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Version: 1.20.6 - IP: mc.soybooru.com:25565

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respond nigger faggot




also mists avatar has the same color and looks similar to the cord pfp, nononononono mist, what is this

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food mod pls

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I am not running for president.
My scheme for the server:
- 8k map
- first 3k is "neutral buildGOD zone"
- the other 5k "wilderness / PVP" zone
- Nether & The End fall under "wilderness / PVP"
- LIMITED FACTIONS: 2 big rival factions, 1 neutral faction.
- Mods balance the 2 factions
- 3k zone will be a comfy towny experience for neutrals to build within.
- No grief is allowed in the 3k zone, but the 2 enemy factions can kill each other there, but not neutral party.
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The insiding and backstabbing would be insane


This is retarded


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Make it 3 or 4 pvp factions
Neutral buildGOD zone doesnt need to be 3k large, 1k from spawn should be enough


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Soycraft has fallen o algo


the server needs a hard restart like new version and all

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It's over


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whats xer real 'cord


This happened

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How about we make two spawns. one for the build fags that is protected and pvp is disabled and an other one for people how want to pvp which has no protections. make them 10k blocks apart and when new people join just ask them where they want to spawn.


As long as mist is admin, no idea will revive the server.

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;;Hey goys, it's me, wisecrack;;
;;If you elect me, i'll get the worldborder shrunk to probably 20000x20000 or 10000x10000 so people can't farcuck and make their bases unraidable;;
I will also see if I can unclaim of the government land at spawn to make life easier for newdeities.;;
;;Maybe also change the rules around neutral factions so the server isn't a huge nothingburger?;;
;;If you have any suggestions, please tell me.;;


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massive formatting fail


Whats your position on Slimefun and mcMMO?


slimefun: set up a hall with EVERY slimefun machine and unlock everything at start
McMMO: possibly remove it for being unfun autist grindslop or add mob farm/other grind infrastructure at spawn


Might also remove neutralfagging and replace it with build protection using factions and barrier blocks or something so you can build cool stuff but cant protect everything like a real goy or somealgo



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when we chud spawn we get permaband but when chain does it he gets a one day ban

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Hello my name is ScientoloJu. I am running for president of SoyCraft. I already announced my campaign 3 days ago but id like to expand more on some of my policies, since a bit has changed since then. beware snca………..

Since 3 days ago, the soycraft dynmap has been brought back under a new domain, which makes me reconsider my vision for a "neo-tranarchy" server. In addition to that, the factions plugin has proven to be more effective at causing pointless nigger conflict than I thought, with the griefing of the /qa/triots and abstain by epicthrembo.

With this, id like to propose a new policy towards the factions plugin, that I think would work better. My proposal is the faction plugin stays the same, but we make it so you must have at least 2 players to create a faction. On top of eliminating the need for neutral factions, this would also prevent 1 man trolls that live 10 million blocks out from getting the same protections as a 10 man faction near spawn. 1 man neutralcaca factions near spawn who just make wholesome builds should get an exception doe.

Speaking of niggers who base 20 million blocks out like on heckin 2b2t, another problem that needs to be addressed is the size of the map. If this is fine by the admins, under my presidency I would shrink the world border to under 4 million blocks. Of course, factions that are gay enough to be based that far will be given a 3-5 day notice to pack their raisin and leave. Come join the party!

Another thing I should address is slimefun and mcmmo. I gave it some thought, and under my leadership both these plugins would stay. ChainSmoker100 (who is a big big fan of me) mentioned removing slimefun and compensating slimechuds for their resources. I, of course, realize that no amount of vanilla compensation could make up for the hours of autistic grinding you retards put in to it. Bear in mind that I don't even have a slimefun lab, I have mostly vanilla gear, so im not doing this because it benefits me. I think this change would only benefit potential newGODs and make some oldCHADs quit, which is bad. I like newGODs, and I think they should have a nice spawn to look at, and an active community to help them get started, but thats about it. I don't think we should punish veteran players for the convenience of new ones.

Anyways, if you have any questions leave them below.
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you cant because phantoms are disabled


You are right that if the world border is set too large, it might as well not exists at all, thats why I advocate for 10 000x 10 000, where even the edges are within somehow reasonable travel distance.


I asked why having no world border would be a problem
a handful of players not liking it is not a "problem".
You've not put forward a single legitimate problem that not having a world border would cause.


are you baiting


I would prefer 20k world boards as opposed to 10k.
I like the idea of 10k borders, but what about people who built outside 10k?

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