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/mtv/ - Music, Television, Video games

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apc was a gift


you know stephen hillenburg was requested by spike tv to do a spongebob adult party cartoon which he obviously rejected, would of been interesting to watch though


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APCWABAG for giving us this gif


The only good episode was Ren seeks Help albeit

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gem post

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gaben is a scrooge, once i tried to add a new payment method to steam(no funds on it btw), they tried to charge me for registering my payment card. of course it was denied due to a lack of funds.
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so i tried to buy cuphead


you are a man of good taste


this never happened.


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is it true you can evade sales tax on steam if you change location to argensimia?


tldr gaben is jewish and he tried to steal $1 from me when i tried to add a payment method.

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^I'm Mister WHITE Christmas
^I'm Mister Chud
^I'm Mister incel
^I'm Mister 14.88 Below
^Friends call me /pol/ Miser
^What ever I touch
^Turns to Aryans in my clutch
^I'm too much!
He's Mister White Christmas
He's Mister Snow
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gem status: CLEAR




here's the original song btw


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I couldn't even transition to this, I testosteroned immediately! Cleanup aisle MY BINDER!!!😂


ok geg

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Lydia is what if Lisa Simpson was actually cool and was not an annoying cunt.
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Lydia is qt


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>Lydia is what if Lisa Simpson was actually cool and was not an annoying cunt.
>Tfw even Beetlejuice in a drag passes better than most trannies
>humantranny gtfo
>Fun fact: Beetlejuice almost got NTRed by a literal BVLL but managed to buck break xhim in dur end
>>Bully falls in love with Lydia, and forces her to marry him, because he'll threaten to destroy Lydia if she refuses to marry Bully. Then Beetlejuice believes dat Lydia can take care of herself, but as few hours go by, he gets worried and uses a crystal ball to look into dur future. And Beetlejuice can't believe what he seeing, Bully and Lydia get married with five little bulls.
>Lydia is qt


dis is /mtv/ retard

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im the one with esl shirt

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I’m not tripping,right? This is really good?

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I don't like woke games because I don't want to share the spotlight with anyone who isn't me. I NEED to be the center of attention at all times. I'm literally the most important person in the universe, because I'm the only person who is me. So if you want to be in the spotlight, you HAVE to be me. I won't tolerate the existence of anything that isn't myself. My screaming ego demands that I be the only thing that exists


Even doe woke games go out of their way to insult everyday normal people, so in reality it's the loud, influential minority of leftists that is narcissistic and entitled.

Besides, the problem isn't that woke games exist, they can make their own games if they want to. The real problem is that EACH AND EVERY SINGLE LAST MOTHER FUCKING GAME nowadays is woke. And the good I.P.'s left are turned to ruin. Gone are the days of "I make my own keyed game, you make your own locked game".

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anything as good as Berserk 1997 ?




berserk sucks dick and the author was a retard who died of a heart attack


there are like 5 million tranime that this could of applied to and berserk is definitely not one of them

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deadest nigger of a board

post 'blox gems


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Not actually 'blox but close enough


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skampus became a huge fag

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