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are there mods on rdr1 yet


The game is spaghetti code, don't expect mods for a long time

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>Her face when she sees your big Hololive folder.


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Wait until she finds out that it's bloated with Nijis.


inb4 janny moves this to >>>/a/


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This thread needs a bull… a BLACK bull.


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3 niggers above me


4 niggers above me



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I was in the comment section of a sonic unleashed ost and i saw this IRL troonjak


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 β„–35[Reply][Last 50 Posts][1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8]

Finally a place to talk about the sharty's favorite game series
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Parsee Mizuhashi is my wife

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>no goy, you won't think about why everything is sentient in Mario kart double dash!!


i kinda like how random things are Alive in Mario


some dev just decided to make everything have eyes

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Pikmin BrHalloweenad, discuss Pikmin


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Pikmin 3GODS vvon though o algo


Pikmin 2 better thoughbeit


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Tsmt I have many gemmy memories of 'kmin 2

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Sonic 3D Blast should of released on the Sega CD, not Saturn

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>when the new zomlent just dropped



I gegged


Geggy gem


can we send this to popcap or ea whoever runs PVZ now?

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ITT we post IRL IAS soyboy vidya essays
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Some people just like learning about obscure or weird information about their favorite games or franchises, I don't see the issue with that.




bumping this o algo


"The Far-right is why my dick went limp!"


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The Far-right is why my dick went limp!

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you guys have the raisintiest interests kek

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