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bro pulled up with the earthbound drip :skull:
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whitest jrpg fan


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honorable mention


Nigger I'm 28 shut your gapehole.


where did you fuck up, to be here?


You mean how I ended up on the sharty? Long story, but i browsed 4chan way too much when i was a boy.

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i watched both codex pajeet 1 and 2 the hour they dropped kek


Europa The Last Battle is a required watch imo



Africa Addio issa gem


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joost won


up or whatever

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Proto slopjak

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Is vinesauce aryan or troon slop media?
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Im not watching hours worth of vods, give it to me straight


oh and also joe| is a literal aryan swede but i didn't mention that because i hate oldfags (white people)


joel used to make windows destruction vids, plays all kinds of vidya every so often, and makes albums since he's also a death metal musician


Will Vinny troon out? I hope he doesn't, but given his inner circle…


they aren't troons but they make humor troons love.

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Just remembered doctor who exists due to team fortress 2 minecraft jailbreak map having a tardis. Is the actual show good? Is it reddit millennial slop?

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https://youtu.be/I__Gqestus4 el rap del cp, el rap del cp, el rap del cpppppp, el rap del cp el rap del cp, somos una comunidad muy gorda, el rap del cp el rap del cp, no me funen que solo es humor, el rap del cp el rap del cp, somos una comunidad muy gorda, el rap del cppppp


third world faggot award


up cp

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Just watched it in cinema and a girl siting next to me was giggling every 30 seconds at every scene except the sex ones even when nothing funny was being said or done.
I think sje just heard the movie is funny because of some lines and her brain decided to laugh because of the sugestion. Some people really are npc's.
I don't get why people think its so bad, I liked the plot and themes and is was visually interesting.
Can someone explain to me why its a bad movie?


What movie



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play this game now
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That cat is fucking ugly


That cat is average looking


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I hate this cat


i remain ambivalent about that cat


horror is for troons and sluts

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Webfishing won
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looks fun! :3


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shit game.


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Boring troonslop "comfort" game where you do nothing.


would make for a gem raid

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