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Guys what the peaked underrated indie games i should play
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caves of qud


Jimmy and pulsating mass is an rpgmaker gem




Fear and hunger 2, you can skip 1 some of its gameplay is just fucking annoying for the sake of sticking to the theme


Zombie Night Terror

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why are you all hipsters, why do you never discuss triple A?


>why are you all hipsters
negative statement
>why do you never discuss triple A?
we like discussing all kinds of games, albeit old ones. and new AAA's and indies albeit if they're good which is pretty rare


because they either weren't alive during the kinolenial era before it was later trooned, or didn't have high enough skill to play things that weren't for casuals. i would say the former is more likely.
they were never autistic enough to understand the joys of grand autismo 3 a-spec because they were given driving games that didn't require car guy autism. they were never fast enough to get mulitkills in cod because their sprint buttons were shackled and spongy health bars lengthened. they were never compassionate enough to escort flag carriers in halo because being a team player and a good friend is not something that advances the battlepass progress.
the post 2000 zoomer has been doomed to triple A troonslop. its not entirely our fault but we share some modicum of the responsibility, or at least guilt for not gatekeeping the fandoms enough.
they dont have an ear to the ground for indie titles and thus come to saucefag. i'll oblige them before they stumble into the next generation of "join my discord if you want to solve the lore ARG" groomerslop

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Is The Amazing Digital Circus aryan?


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I haven't watched it yet so can't say


Moved to >>>/pol/553860.




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alright chuds if we were to make a sharty clan for clash royale or clans what should the name be?


soyjak.party is good, it could invite more clashGODS to the website


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Also make a Brawl stars clan o algo


clash of gems bump


>big nose
>loves money

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What are your favorite bands?
Mine is pantera.
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I live in Vladivostok, geg








Queens of the Stone Age, Kyuss, Mastodon, Year Long Disaster, Klaxons

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thoughts on SWAT 4?
Translation in arabic: أفكار Ψ­ΩˆΩ„ سواΨͺ 4؟


Absolute gem of a game. Better than Ready or Not. Cult classic. Keyed beyong belief.
Me and my 2 friends did a campaign run through the whole game plus the dlc and it was so good we were wishing there were more missions to play.

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What do you think about Jack?


Mogs zoggy


someone should make a soyjak parody of the intro

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happy tree friends website

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recommend me good ambient music
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Erik Satie


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Tangerine Dream

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