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/mtv/ - Music, Television, Video games

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 β„–35Quote[Last 50 Posts]

Finally a place to talk about the sharty's favorite game series


you WILL reply, we need to overtake the troon fortress thread again or whatever


this thread has nothing to do with music or videogames anymore and should be moved to >>>/a/


im trans btw not sure if that matters


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go the fuck up


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So what's the song everyone's talking about with Toby and ZUN?



>waiting this long for the collab and it's for a rhythm game
dunno what you mean by 'garbage', sounds fine tbh


The Skibidi that BROKE the internet


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toby fox will always be niggerkikehellstone





>sharty's favorite game
Cool, a thread about dominions.




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Selfish little fuck


i lost interest in touhou





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the password is pepe









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secret god Matara


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I'v been playing mountain of faith on and off for the past month. It is very fun I hecking love dodging the bullets


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gem, idk tho why is everyone calling th10 the ideal starter touhou, kanakos last spellcard is literally impossible for beginners


you get tons of resources unlike 11 where every death or wasted bomb triggers the snowball effect


500 posts and no one erp yet






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fuck off nigger


How tf you're supposed to play it without dying at every stage?


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>fuck off nigger


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>bad apple


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lostword is aryan gem


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Bro thinks we care 💀💀💀


They all fuck Aryan men




Made 4 bbc thread


Could you handle the animal realm matriarchs?




Cobson rumored to appear in the last episode of KKHTA


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>japanese goburin


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What if a muscular BBC black bvll came to Gensokyo?


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millions must die


im too stupid for fighting games


best newhou after maybe kutaka or tsukasa or yachie idk i love blonde girls


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I like Yachie because femdom + my high school gf had this hairstyle


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new 'toss


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dead bread award
and for good reason


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>dead bread award
>and for good reason


i transheart necrobumping


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This entire thread is


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replaying touhou 15 right now


New 'fu club.
How is it?



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Chill Vergil, it's just some fun


how would he fare in Gensokyo or whatever the name is


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i want this to happen again


why is she holding sex toy like a sword doe


bint mogs soishitty.soitranny


go back to your discord website then


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nigger what the fuck


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im replaying 11 and it's hellish as always





Reddit May Cry


shot on sight by reimu and then sent to niggerhell (gensokyans are very racist)


'mutty mogs the shit out of Shitsokyans


who knows about that 2hou animator that uses original zun style? it has been posted here before its also said he started using ai


>even doe ZUN hates AI or whatever nines the baka


considering how many blondes there are in Gensokyo, you might be on to something



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What's the password


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>crickhou project


Alice Margatroid


Alice Margatroid ( 2 )



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BLACK HAWK will contain touhou users if he is supported as the next nuadmin. and he will rename /a/ to /tra/.


Hakurei Reimu


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shrine maiden :D


Hakurei Reimu ( 2 )





Yakumo Yukari



Hollow song of the birds is bettwe



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