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I don't like woke games because I don't want to share the spotlight with anyone who isn't me. I NEED to be the center of attention at all times. I'm literally the most important person in the universe, because I'm the only person who is me. So if you want to be in the spotlight, you HAVE to be me. I won't tolerate the existence of anything that isn't myself. My screaming ego demands that I be the only thing that exists


Even doe woke games go out of their way to insult everyday normal people, so in reality it's the loud, influential minority of leftists that is narcissistic and entitled.

Besides, the problem isn't that woke games exist, they can make their own games if they want to. The real problem is that EACH AND EVERY SINGLE LAST MOTHER FUCKING GAME nowadays is woke. And the good I.P.'s left are turned to ruin. Gone are the days of "I make my own keyed game, you make your own locked game".

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