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/fort/ - team fortress 2

a board about the sharty official TF2 server

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Sadly, this board is dead


(You) can help reviving it

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Got my first crown winerino of the season tonight guys!!! <3 <3 <3

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can we play today


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zestyGODS just keep winning


still a gooner doe


he is still porno addict loser who jerks of half of the day therefore coal


he's the only chuddy tf2ber with hold doe


Can someone give me the ip for soytopia tf2 server?



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The wiki is down

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ITT post aryan loadouts for aryan gamers


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Poker night promo items reign supreme


stockARYAN i kneel….

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inb4 snipersissies paradrop into this trvthnvke


Absolvte Trvke


no one says this


out of nowhere bullshit but bump


I say this. i'm trans btw

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cant wait for people to find out that the geneticist troon is a liar


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Xe allegedly shutted down cathook, which will come back eventually and considered the job done even though xe did not post the full doxx of the bot hosters as promissed

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Demonigger mains, how do you practice hitting your pipes?
4 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


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The reason its so hard to pipe down the enemy team is because aiming pipes requires you to basically hard read the opponent at mid-long range. Most players have predictable movement patterns that you can exploit, but if you're fighting someone that remembers to move unpredictability it's over for you. Pipes travel too slowly for your technique to make a difference, so the only way you'll really see improvement is to just beat your head against the wall until you can instinctually read what your opponent is doing. I'll give you my technique anyway because it'll give you a place to start. When im trying to hit someone, I track my opponent with my crosshair to get a feel for where they're going and how fast, and then flick in the direction they're moving (just enough compensate for travel time. Depending on elevation, you may have to flick sideways and upwards) and shoot. Usually if I'm not half asleep or rusty this works 85% of the time, but technique can only get you so far. A good place to practice on bots is tr_walkway, but I reccomend just thugging it out in pubs until you git good. The only way you can learn to predict people is by fighting them, so only use tr_walkway if you're a complete beginner.


Intentionally overshoot your target and at leat with default it usually results in a connection. Get good at prediction too so you catch movement classes jumping into it where they can't change momentum in time like scout or solly if he's not good at strafing.


didn't download tr_walkway award


not a demo main but i use tr_aim to practice tracking

if you get killstreak weapons you can even do practice sets of like 100-200 bots



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