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/fort/ - team fortress 2

a board about the sharty official TF2 server

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Should i start playing tf2?
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yes and grind sniper so you can make trans players in causal seethe


trvth, they hate sniper






yes but you will probably ragequit because it's hard (unless you play medic)

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How do I join the server


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thought it was gonna be fortnite


If Croatian ran this site, this site would be even greater!


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>thought it was gonna be fortnite

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as the title says why do they get so asshurt when it occurs? i see alot that when there is some terminally online streamer faggot with 100 cosmetics and australiummaxxed textured weapons, he always has a negative opinion on >muh random crits , i really don't see anything bad about them, their probability aren't high at a degree that it can change the outcome of the game, and they're necessary for close range weapons because without them they wouldn't do any fucking damage at all, and they're very necessary when you are in a situation you're near someone in a fight with you and you just gotta pull the melee weapon out to get a quick kill, close range fights aren't even that common so if you get constantly melee-ACKed then it's just your own fault, its amusing to see how much they cry to valve about such an irrelevant thing about the game its crazy how much they care about some ancient game that doesn't even give most of them any kind of IRL income other than dopamine, what a sack of fucking homos


A system where you could both have a very limited pool of crits that you could pull out at anytime while also having the ability to block them (in a simular way to airblast) would make it infinitely better. 195 melee swings are actually perfectly balanced in casual. You can get away with a lot more crazy tactics with a practically 100% crit melee. In servers with it disabled, you're dead if you get a scout in your face as say a demo.


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Xhey watched Uncle Dane (The Molester Main) and now follow everything that retard says, simple as is.


They get all their opinions from YouTubers. Random crits are fun.


mak cacaborea map nnow!!


do dis



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why did you name this board /fort/ and not like /team/ or /tf2/
literally got my hopes up for a fortnite board you heartless niggers
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fortnite is for pedotrannys


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xes right doe


but he is right doe

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whoopsie oops :3

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this should be renamed to /fortnite/ cuz fortnite is so much more epic then boomer fortress 2 or something
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lol watch this im gonna get a get 4 this dead board




Tsmt, so much tsmt




*troon fortress 2

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