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/fort/ - team fortress 2

a board about the sharty official TF2 server

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Welcome to /fort/, the board for the official Soyjak Party TF2 server. You can learn more about it here:

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dead server


sundays at eight bro did you not understand


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>dead server

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>kill yourself obsessed faggot
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>Live others indifferent hetero.


uhh eat yourself obsessed burger


or something.


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>You will never be a real engineer. You have no dispenser, you have no sentries, you have no metals. You are a spy main using obvious disguises attempting to do trick stabs, a cruel mockery of Valve's perfection.
>All the "validation" you get is 2forted and half-lived. Behind your back people back-stab you. Your team thinks your fucking useless, your "friends" laugh at your garbage loadout behind closed doors. Medics are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed enemy teams to sniff out spies with incredible efficiency. Even spy pros who "pass" look suspicious and out-of-place to a tryhard. Your action is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a dumb newbie to trust you, he'll turn tail and bolt the second he collides with your interactable hitbox.
>You will never be good. You use the same disguise every single time and tell yourself it's going to work, but deep inside you feel the pyros creeping up like a weed, ready to scorch you with intense heat.
>Eventually it'll be too much to bear - you'll take up another class, play with it, quit the game for a while, and then get VAC banned. Your friends will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to deal with your toxicity and lack of teamwork. They'll leave you with a bookmarked name with your user and your class main, and every user looking at ur account for the rest of eternity will know this guy mained spy. Your user will decay along with countless other Steam accounts, and all that will remain of your legacy is an inventory that is unmistakably worthless.






Mind-blowing Spy-destroying gem


gem TSD

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Japanteen here, glad I could join when the server was active earlier today. It’s hard to catch with my timezone
<flood detected post retarded


uhh this like makes up for hiroshima or something like that… .yeah…


What do you think of Tranime?

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<reddit space>
because i just said so, okay? (actually beacuse of low online)
readjustments are accepted, but if everyone agreed
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just joined


when do we go today


get wasted by dumb nigga who cant read the op

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you will join ze server.




Why didn't he use jarate


Scout with 124 hp: pick up large health kit
Medic with 13 hp, who saved him from Pyro with phlog:

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so fucking iron kys


The dirtiest,darkest,ugliest coal.


Smelly fish coal




Black as night

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/fort/ - fortnite
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this is why he did the mass shooting


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