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first warning trolls


go to hell 'cordtranny


'saged again

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new 'toss
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lost to a sniper award


toss never misses


>noooooo I overextended as pyro and died nerf sniper!!!!






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dead ass


Saw a video about some queer telling people to post videos rambling about how much they love tf2 as a means of "peaceful protest", as if that would ever work.
As of late, the community is full of retarded tranny niggers and racemixed faggots who can't bring themselves up to anything besides complaining. Valve realized that the game is doomed as soon as the furfag headpiece got added as a cosmetic, and decided to stop supporting it whatsoever.
The game WILL die, the devs DONT care.
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I don't think that valve will even give a response like they did the last time. That is assuming the movement will be anything like the first in its scale.


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>oms my timeless classic!

Reddit niggers think they can achieve anything if they band together enough retards to say the same thing over and over again. Valve doesn't give a fuck about tf2 history they only like money. It's like they're a business >or something




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researching into the bot hosters en masse and making their vatnigger johnsons leak in fear and make them take the rope would be 3000 times more efective than whining like lazy faggots to gaben (who is too busy on new moba hit game DEADSCHLONG) but, normienigs are too retarded to conduct a research, zesty's the only one that has put effort into investigating them


no shit worked better than savetf2 faggotry


game-reviving trvthnvke


how do I convert this to audio so I can spam this on casual servers?


Gemmy idea

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What are your favorite classes to play and why?
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I’ll play any class as long as it’s something unorthodox, like fat scout, airstrike soldier, or demoknight


I’ll play any class as long as it’s something unorthodox, like fat scout, airstrike soldier, or demoknight


I am addicted to scout


>What are your favorite classes to play and why?

Sniper because I have some kind of good aim for him and it's funny to see people looking directly at you when you're about to end em


Scout is just the most fun. Also I feel slow whenever I switch from scout to another class.
I do often play heavy, thoughever.

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I host bots And you can't do anything about it!!




baited nobody award

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How would a soy themed map work outside of texture re-skins such as cp_cobson?

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I Love The Trve Aryan MGE Edits


mge edits are funny when theyre well executed this just feels like a faggot porn compilation

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