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 β„–89169Quote[Last 50 Posts]

The city of shartenburg has been seeing heavy unrest and chaos ever since Soot became the city administrator. The Goon Gang, once a small criminal network, has evolved into a militia that has taken control of a large chunk of the city. As the city entered a dark age, it needed a hero, and it got one, COBMAN!
While in his gemcave, he finds out that Soot has been kidnapped by the goon gang and is being held hostage at an unknown location.
Cobman must try to save soot and defeat the goon gang, but first he must come up with a plan.
The news report about the kidnapping of soot keeps playing on the tv, you have figured out that the culprit must be the goon gang, as they are his greatest enemies.
You must now rescue soot, but the road to there will take time and will be difficult.
First reply decides cobmans first action.


Never mind about the spade strike.


the big gun fires, killing a chud, the guns supports snap, the gun falls and crushes root, colorjak falls and crushes 2 rapesons, the fall injures him a lot


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Devin pushes the cover forward a bit to guard the soystice squad while Ricardo and Tyrone fight the nigger artists.

The big gun charges up and fires, it hits a chud and kills him.
Colorjak stomps on the laser, the supports snap and the gun falls.
Root gets crushed by the gun.
Colorjak lands on the spadesons, crushing 2 of them, he also gets severely injured.

Goonman shouts

Goonman jumps down and flanks cobman and punches him hard.


cobman instead of using spike strike he used HEART STRIKE on cobman and all the niggers Because hes now a slvt for johnson and it deals double damage to black enemies


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instead of using spade* sorry im past my bedtime


using your aryan vril, you knock goonman back to the platform, the spirit of george washington comes over to you and manifests an rpg-7, he says "have this, my soldier, save us from the evil jews" or something like that, anyways, you only have one round, so don't waste it like a nigger


ALSO shartyman swings his way back into the room shoots his webs at gigglygoonclown temporarily making xem stuck thenand he goes to help soot


Colorjak retreats to be healed by king caca who summons 7 buff babies





don't worry, patriots are in control o algo


Get King Caca and Shartyman to Soot and have them free him.


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Colorjak retreats back to behind the cover.

With his new aryan powers cobman unleashes HEART STRIKE!
It deals 50% damage to Tyrone and Ricardo.

Shartyman swings his way back into the room and traps goonclown in his web.

You knock Goonman back to the platform and deal some damage to him.

The spirit of George Washington appears and gives you an rpg-7
>my aryan soldier, you may take this weapon and save the white race from da joos, but you only have one round so dont waste it

King caca summons 7 levitating buff babies(they are levitating because its the only way i could fit them into the image)

Also, goonclown and Goonman have healthbars now.


The Cob Gang 'groids attempt to finish off Tyrone and Ricardo Milos.
Cobman grapples over to the platform and sticks the RPG up Goonman's butt. He fires the rocket into the ceiling.
The levitating babies pick up the laser cannon, which has one shot remaining in its capacitors.


The laser cannon is part of the background and would be a pain to remove


That's okay


Im does everything else doe


Levitating babies steal the gooner's guns o algo


Guns are stuck to the models


Then I guess they swarm attack the gooners


goonman goes into rage mode, he flies at shartyman, grabs him and he smashes him through the wall, they have an epic fight in the background, goonclown uses xir sword to cut the webs


Sorry, but i have some irl stuff to do.

I probably wont be able to update the thread until in like 24 hours




I dont have much time to work on the thread during week days, get used to it


ok see you in the 19th o algo


Sharty man goes to help sooty soot


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The nigger artists manage to finish off Tyrone, but Ricardo still stands.

Cobman grapples over to the platform, sticks the RPG up Goonman’s butt and then cobman shoots the rocket into the ceiling.
Goonman is launched through the roof and his health goes down to 40%.

The babies swarm attack the gooners, they kill the first line of gooner henchmen and BTFO the last remaining spadeson.

Goonman flies in again and grabs cobman and smashes him through the wall.
Goonclown cuts the web with xer sword.

Cobman and Goonman prepare to fight.

(Sorry, i mixed up cobman and shartyman in the last prompt and did not realise it until right before posting so i did not have time to change it)


the chuds scream YNBAW at 'clown while cob uppercuts goonman


Shartyman shoots a noose on goonclown's neck and hoists it up. The niggers doubleteam ricardo milos. The chuds rush the remaining gooner henchmen.

King King Caca heals colorjak.


Also tell us how many turns soot has remaining



goonclown grabs soot out of the machine and gets out of the building with him because xhe knows that xhe's about to get raped to death


shartyman doesn't do this because… XHE JUST DOESN'T OK?



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The niggers fight Ricardo Milos, trent gets a bit injured by Ricardo.
The chuds rush into the battlefield.
The chuds scream at goonclown.
>And you will never bree-ackkkkkk!
Shartyman’s web nooses around goonclown’s neck.

King caca heals colorjak but some of his oldest injuries can’t be healed.

Goonclown cuts the noose with the sword and rushes to soot, xhe takes soot out of the device.

The 3 gooner snipers cover xher while xhe exits the chamber with soot through the hidden backdoor elevator.

Meanwhile, cobman uppercuts goonman and deals some damage to him.


goonclown goes to the gooner factory, where various troon-like inventions are made, the factory is about to unveil their newest invention S.H.R.T (super hrt) (pronounced shart) SHRT is an extremely potent and powerful sex-changing drug that will replace regular HRT in the future, after taking SHRT, the effects will happen instantly, after about an hour or less, you will fully transform into a real womxn, your chromosomes, bone structure, voice, DNA, and even your brain will be changed into that of a womans, basically, you will finally be able to become a real womxn, however, SHRT is experimental, which means dangerous or unexpected side effects may occur, it's also very expensive due to how recent it is, and how complicated it is to manufacture it


also the SHRT gives you a functioning womb and raisin like that, forgot to include that, also they have a testosterone version called STEST (super testosterone) which makes you into a buff gigachad ubermensch, the SHRT and STEST are stored in large open vats inside the factory, the SHRT is colored pink and STEST is blue, also sorry for the autistic details, im trying to make this as hyperrealistic as possible o algo


Cobman dropkicks goonman into exposed electrical equipment, shocking him.
The chuds rush the gooner snipers.
Shartyman chases Goonclown.


Just say goonclown goes to a hormone factory that can turn troons into real women


also STEST reverses the effects of SHRT, because it is essentially the opposite of SHRT, forgot to mention that


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You drop kick Goonman into exposed electrical equipment.
His health drains pretty quickly.

Meanwhile, the chuds rush the snipers, a sniper fires and kills one of the chuds.
Shartyman chases after goonclown.

Goonclown enters the factory room of the HQ where SHRT and STEST is being created and stored.
>well, soot, now that everything is going to raisin, i think its time to do what i should have done in the very begining, CUT OFF YOUR UGLY FUCKING CRACKER HEAD!



Soot pretends to troon out to lower Goonclown's guard


spider 'teen attacks while goony is distracted


Cobman and King Caca merge again. Their new form wields both shotgun and staff. They sprint to Goonclown at super speed. King Cacaman and Shartyman stare down goonclown.


Actually they both sneak up to Goonclown.


Goonman fight is not over yet


Cobman soyquotes udYKtJ!E, then fires two shotgun rounds into Goonman's legs, leaving Goonman crippled and unable to escape the electric currents.


Also King Caca runs alone if he can't merge with Cobman. He uses Caca powers to fly at super speed.


the owner of the factory, who is a jewish rabbi evil genius scientist that turned ximself into a sheep furry thing using one of his inventions to mask the fact that he is a filthy semite, greets goonclown, goonclown places soot on the ground while they talk about some raisin nobody cares about


fuck i dodn't realize they were still gonna kill soot… fuck, it's ok whatever


if you want to, disregard this, i didnt know they were still gonna kill soot


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Soot tries to pretend to troon out, but he can’t really do anything since he is tied up without rope and his mouth is taped.
>mmmmppphhh, mmmmmppppph

Goonclown tests soot by gently cutting with the sword near his neck.
>Farewell, soo-

Shartyman enters the room, then king caca flies in at super speed.
They stare down goonclown.

Meanwhile, cobman finishes off Goonman.
>Goonman fight is not over yet

Cobman fires two shotgun rounds into goonman’s legs, crippling him.
Goonman gets complely fried by the electricity.



goonclown pulls down xir pants and fires a diarrhea attack on one of the SHRT tanks, they spill onto soot, which will slowly turn xim into a womnx, then, he pulls out his secret nigger brimstone buttplug from his ass, which allows him to teleport if xhes about to die, and xhe teleports into a secret room in goon hq with one of goonclown greatest inventions


the buttplug can't be used again btw, to make things fair o algo


also froot is now saved, but troonclown is about to reveal something big, and it will be the final boss


sorry i meant soot not froot


Is it soot or goonclown who teleports?


goonclown, xhe's about to show off something xhe has been working on for a while, and might be the last hope for the gooners o algo


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Goonclown pulls down xher pants and fires diarrhea on one of the tanks, the SHRT spills one soot, who will now slowly become a real woman.

Since goonclown knows that xhe will die of xhe stays here, xhe pulls out xher secret brimstone niggerstone buttplug from xir ass.

>sootess is all yours, come take her and have sex with her or whatever you do…


Goonclown uses the buttplug to teleport into a secret room under the hq.
Something BIG is on the other side of that door…

>hahaha, its now or never, do your work, my creation…

The room starts to shake, whatever is coming, ITS MASSIVE!


Cobman catches up with the others and instinctively shoots the STEST to counteract the SHRT.


goonclown reveals xir creation, the goonbot 9000, a huge mech, the mech is made out of a thick layer of CrCoNi alloy, the toughest material discovered yet, 5 times tougher than the toughest steels, the mech has a large star of david on it's chest as well as a bunch of weapons and other things, the goon hq crumbles as the mech begins to exit out of the floor, this is going to be big… but you still have some time to prepare, as goon hq is quite far away from the factory


fuck i forgot all of the niggas were still there, hope they survive


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Cobman arrives and instinctively shoots the STEST, the STEST spills over soot, this counteracts the SHRT.
The factory room then starts shaking heavily.

The door in the secret room opens, on the other side is the goonbot 9000, a colossal mech that is the last hope for the gooners.

As the mech rises, the walls of the execution chamber cracks and the roof collapses, the fate of the soystice squad members is unclear.

The goon gang HQ crumbles to the ground as the mech exits from the ground, its truly gigantic, just as tall as the HQ.

It has been programmed to destroy the capitol, sootspire and the gemcave…

This is the final boss, if you somehow manage to defeat it the adventure will conclude.


consume the STEST so you all become buff ubermensch chads


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Everyone but soot(his mouth is taped up) consumes the STEST and turn into their buff gigachad form.

The floor and roof of the factory room also cracked a bit, you were very lucky and did not get crushed.


suddenly, a portal opens up, the asian gigachad genius Alex Chiu appears in the portal "ching chong bing bong, i heard you like hitler, so i give you this" he then gives you several bottles of chlorine dioxide, and a pair of immortality rings, the rings don't make you indestructible, but they make you not die from old age and stuff, also they slightly increase your durability if you are wearing them, the portal then closes and Chiu disappears


Forgot to link to >>89832 award


yeah sorry im a bit 'tarded


also, this is what he looks like, can't post the image because im phoneGODding



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A portal opens and the asian ubermench Alex Chiu comes out.
>ching chong being bong, i heard you like hitler and hate gooning, have this

He gives you several bottles of chlorine dioxide and gives each member of the squad an immortality ring.

The portal closes and Chiu dissappears.

>What the hell was that about?

Cobman says.

Meanwhile on the outside, goonbot begins to slowly walk towards the capitol.


you and your squad put on the rings, you and the squad also decide to drink some of the chlorine dioxide, after drinking it, your wounds begin healing, and you feel better


Cobman tells everyone about his personal Mech, which he kept hidden in the gemcave. It isn't as strong as the goonermech per se but it has basically every tool you can think of. Soot is freed from his shackles and calls his chauffeur for a beefed up glownigger Lamborghini.


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In the capital Cyborg Babyjak who was returning from the toy store caught sight of the giant gooner bot and started to fight trying to sta lit until more help came he fires his quad rocket launchers and forearm mounted minigun at it


With capitol i meant capitol building, not capital city


the cyborg babyjak was near the capitol building playing with his esoteric sun fidget spinner then


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You and the others put on the rings and drink the chlorine dioxide.
King caca’s wounds completely heal and cobman’s wounds will fully heal over the next few turns.

>dont panic, i have a cobmech parked in the gemcave, i should be able to counter whatever thing that just breached the surface with it.

You untie soot and take off the tape.
<finally! im free from this raisinhole!
>call your chauffeur, we must get to the gemcave as soon as possible!

Soot calls his chauffeur and after a while a Lamborghini driven by soot’s secret service glowniggers parks at the exit of the factory room.


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Meanwhile, somewhere near-ish the capitol, a cyborg Babyjak is playing with a black sun fidget spinner while observing the massive lumbering behemoth slowly walking towards him.


before you hop on your mech in gemcave, your squad exit the factory and decide to go to goon hq to see if anyone survived, colorjak survived, but was very seriously injured by the collapse, and was knocked out, miraculously, david survived, but his legs are completely broken from the rubble falling on them, he is also bleeding a lot, but not enough for it to be lethal, no one else survived the collapse, as they were all crushed

meanwhile, goonclown is still in the secret room where the mech was, gooning xher T.W.P to miss circle futa porn, completely oblivious to what's going on at the surface


forgot to reply again award


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You take the backdoor elevator back into the execution room while soot stays behind and waits for you at the car.

Colorjak survived, but he is critically injured and passed out, colorjak seems to never get a rest.

Devin somehow survived all the collapse, but his legs are broken and he is bleeding a lot.

All other soystice squad members are dead…

Meanwhile in the secret room goonclown is gooning to miss circle futa porn on a out of frame tv.


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Here is what the map looks like now. Goon Gang has practically collapsed.
The red line is the planned path of the goonbot and the white dot is it’s current location.


King caca heals Devin's wounds and the party proceeds to pursue Goonbot


you give david and colorjak some of the leftover chlorine dioxide, david's legs slowly heal, and you get them out of the building, you put david in the lamborghini, and you let colorjak go anywhere he want's, since xhe can't really fit in the car, you begin to drive to gemcave


sorry meant to say devin not david, retard award


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King caca heals most of devin’s wounds and colorjak drinks the leftover chlorine dioxide.
Colorjak will slowly hela over time.

You leave the HQ for the final time and everyone but colorjak enters the lamborghini.
Colorjak has now defacto left the soystice squad since he is allowed to go anywhere he wants.

>goodbye, big buddy


The lamborghini starts driving to gemcave.


The Shartenburg national guard mobilizes and fights the goonbot with tanks and shiet.


a few gooners notice you and hop on their motorcycles, they put on xheir helmets (safety le first!) and get their guns out and start to chase you (thus is just like muh action movies!), meanwhile, the glowie driving the car grabs the AUX cord and plays israeli music


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>>89853 award
>>89854 award
The shartenburg national guard finally does something. award
They attack the goonbot with tanks and armored cars, it is very ineffective. award


The goonbot unleashes its arsenal on the army, this destroys several tanks and armored veichles, the remaining units retreat towards the capitol. award

Meanwhile, the squad passes goonbase 1, some gooners notice you and hop on their motorcycles. award
(i forgot the helmets, i know) award

A epic chase begins, the gooners shoot at the car. award
The driver glowie starts playing hava nagila on the radio. award




Soot calls in a suicide drone to strike the motorcycles


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The chase continues as you close in on the gemcave.
Soot calls in a suicide drone.

The drone strikes the motorcycle in the back, killing the driver and throwing away another motorcycle.

The gooner in front keeps chasing the lamborghini.




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meanwhile nate 10 le heckkin aryan soyteen version of ben 10 arrives at the goonbot's current location or something and using the jakkintrix turns into WayCob whos a little bit bigger than the gonnbot and starts fighting him


the ghost of chudjak who left baby swede at this point floats through the wall into the secret room when he sees gigglygoonclown the phantom ghost chud gets so fucking mad that his incel rage awakens making him develop ghostly telekinesis and starts throwing goonclown around the room slamming xer into walls, floor and ceiling repeatedly


The glowie car deploys oil slicks that stop the gooners in their tracks. I guess they finally reach the gem cave after that.


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Nate 10 arrives on the location of the goonbot.
He transforms into waycob, waycob is slightly taller than goonbot.

They start fighting, waycob is probably not strong enough to defeat goonbot on his own but he could stall goonbot until cobmech arrives.


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The ghost of the chudjak, who left the body of the swede when the building collapsed, phases through the wall of the secret room.


Chudjak uses telekenesis to throw goonclown around the room at super speed.

Goonclown’s body splits in half from getting impacted so many times.

At last, goonclown is no more.


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Meanwhile, the lamborghini spills oil on the road, the motorcycle gets stuck and the driver falls of.

The gemcave is now visible in the distance.


cyborg babyjak assists waycob in stalling the goonbot via firing his rocket launcher and minigun at him while the cobgang enter the gemcave and rush towards the cobmech


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