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Alright, sorry for being late. Finally ready to do this.
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something about this thread is glowing. i can fucking feel the radiation oozing from this thread. this is not the real soot. it couldn't be. soot wasn't like this. soot would have acted differently. this is not him. it could be anybody but him. soot was never here. soot was never here. soot was never here. soot was never here. soot was never here. soot was never here. soot was never here. soot was never here. soot was never here. soot was never here. soot was never here. soot was never here. soot was never here. soot was never here. soot was never here. soot was never here. soot was never here. soot was never here. soot was never here.


<Trump ## President
Hello patriots!


i'm not too familiar with that
i dont think i have a capcode. i don't regret using soytan
haven't heard from him in a while
it's been a long time. don't think i've visited during this era
haven't heard much about it. maybe i'll take a look later
i don't have much to do with it, but you're welcome to ask if you want
no, i just kind of went straight in
>>Do you still browse the party or post 'jaks at all?
no, not really
>>How has college and life been since you sold the site?
i'd say it's been pretty mixed
>>Would you ever come back just for funsies?
i'm honestly not sure how much i'd be able to contribute
is soot
kinda coaly tbh
as i said earlier, it's been pretty mixed. if it had been going better, i probably wouldn't have time to do this q&a
cobson is just something i don't like talking about because it is very popular but controversial at the same time
i appreciate anyone who misses me but i'm no god
if that's true, it's a pretty elaborate scheme
that's good to hear
it's hard to balance moderation with freedom on a website like this. i could go on for a while about the problems with it, but it wouldn't end up getting anywhere
i don't know. it's not like he did anything too malicious, so i'd like to imagine he was probably just having fun
i'd probably be willing to try it when it releases
It depends where these new users came from. A lot of these new users seem to be coming from reddit and discord which is probably an issue with the website. For this place in particular, it's hard to care too much as I no longer have any stake in it. As for soyjaks, I always want to see them continue to be popular.
That kind of sounds cool, but I don't think I could bring myself to use this place enough anymore.
i don't care for politics
a lot of the seethe was because i could see when people were samefagging and trying to fuck with me. plus it's been so long that i don't really care as much anymore
>>what is something you love and something you hate about modern sharty?
I do like that they've got a whole game in development, and it seems like everything is a bit "higher-budget", but it seems like there are a lot of spammers coming from other places which kind of decreases quality. it's been a problem for a while though
>>what is your opinion about troonzellig being cancelled?
never been a fan of it, but i'm not sure what you mean by cancelled either
>>which admin you hate and which admin you love (excluding you)?
i'm not familiar with any of them enough to answer this
>>what is something that you want to tell us that we don't know?
at this point, it seems like pretty much everything is on the wiki, including stuff i myself forgot about.
whether i make more appearances would depend on whether or not they would even let me do anything like this. I'm not really a fan of namefagging so i've always tried to keep it reserved for things like this which are more "official"
i know i did a q&a when he ran the place. it was real, that's why i had my old trip on soot.soy
it's a long story, but i dont think i would ever tell any woman i want to fuck about the sharty, i'll say that
yes, i have before.
if that's true then i appreciate your comment
1000 Colonial Farm Road, Langley, Fairfax County, Virginia
i'm just surprised it's lasted this long. it's hard to imagine that it would have stayed good forever

unfortunately, i've got to go now. if i get another chance, i'll probably do another q&a. i didn't expect there to be so many people on here


damage control because β€˜teens realized this q&a was faked by Froot just to bring more oldGOD traffic to the site




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All these newGODS don't remember that soot stopped giving a shit about us way back in 2022 after 'p winter


ALSO use tuxler


him, doll and 'leno are currently getting shot at by coalema


>I'm honestly not sure how much i'd be able to contribute
doesn't matter, we just want you around once in a while, it would be fun


>trying to take credit for something they didnt do
never change 'cord


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>soot lives like 4 hours away from me


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soot good even though he should kill himself


Bye sooty


My newGOD is gonna show but what did you major in, and is it your career or have you become a wagecuck desk jockey


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bye sooty soot




holy shit it’s been da cooord all along




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the Afterparty is literally a daycare for people that still play roblox
nothing they say or do matters, its all 15 year olds thinking they 'run the sharty' while they have as much influence as any other group


bye sooty soot




bye nigger soot


How did you originally discover /qa/?




im sad… i probably wont see soot again until 2027




are you in said β€˜cord by any chance?




>i dont regret using soytan
onions-tan bros…. we won


lmao I was right soot's in a gunbattle with coalyma right now


Erm I was here or something.




bye bye sootykins


>this nigga goes back up and responds to coal he slapped from an hour ago


Are you and nate the same person?


I love furrys or something


It's the CIA headquarters retardgod


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these jannies love sosa


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Donny Mann hates trans people>>6310901


>cobson is just something i don't like talking about because it is very popular but controversial at the same time
That's the whole point of bringing an ultimate judgement on the gem/coal status of Cobson.


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dark ΠΊuzists were in power all along…






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This is my 'jak collection, you have my permission to repost


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where did the FNAC devs go?

any other game devs here?


Erm I don’t care! SAGE!

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