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windows is a perfectly legitimate OS, and intel/amd makes perfectly legitimate CPUs
anyone getting you to switch to a unixlike and arm or whatever is a macfag


enjoy your malware retard


Windows 11 is for faggots, windows 10 and 7 are gemmy albeit


they genuinely think that linux would be able to replace windows lol


WindowsGODS won


Unix is malware. Death to fork()


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>windows is a perfectly legitimate OS, and intel/amd makes perfectly legitimate CPUs
>anyone getting you to switch to a unixlike and arm or whatever is a macfag


>implying linuxsissies are the opposite of this


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>they genuinely think that linux would be able to replace windows lol


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>windows is a perfectly legitimate OS, and intel/amd makes perfectly legitimate CPUs
>anyone getting you to switch to a unixlike and arm or whatever is a macfag


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>enjoy your malware retard


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"guys linux is so easy all you need to do is write 1000 lines of sudo"


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>lines of sudo


lmao ok ubuntroon unity amazon in your search results
reminder that fagdesktop is as hard a pusher of DEI as microsoft if not more


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I ain't relying on this dogshit


>how do i remove the prideflag?
you don't, nazi. you will have our politics in your windows copy, and you will be happy. there's an ongoing trans genocide so you'll just have to check your privilege and sit with the discomfort. domestic terrorists like you are a thread to our fragile democracy,


Win 11 user here, linux faggots only can ACK- xemselves


Should i actually care about tranny niggers in Microsoft while playing videogames on win11?


I'm definitely staying on Windows 10 because for some reason I do not meet the requirements for WinDOGSHIT 11 eventho my computer meets most of the requirements except for the fact that the CPU is non-SnapDragon. This Copilot is trash to me as I'd rather maintain a self-debloated Windows 10 as long as possible.
I may need a way to seal off any backdoors on my computer given historical privacy concerns of Windows OS's that become no longer support.


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you don't need a snapdragon cpu for winshit XI, microsoft are just niggers


Sure, but for some reason I still DO NOT meet the requirements for Windows 11; let me give you my PC specs:
RAM: Vengeance RGB Pro 32 GB
GPU: Radeon RX 7800 XT (forgot the vendor, but I think it is MSI)
CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 12 core
Storage size: 930 GB (60 GB used)


turn on the TPM in the bios tardLORD


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I can't upgrade to it because my cpu is 12 years old


my mobo is 14 years old and my cpu is some dogshit amd phenom x6


What about Fuchsia? I heard this Google's OS is different than Linux.


PoS microkernel android type OS

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