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A banner for soyjak.party

/swa/ - Swaggers With Attitude

18+ | The REAL old iFunny experience.
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File: 91a3331191b1a9a48f18fda6a0….jpg πŸ“₯︎ (38.38 KB, 320x328) ImgOps


remember that time someone made a swa app, and it got shut down after a week due to "server costs"? what was up with that?


newGOD forgot to add trumpflare


I was working on a 'ru splinter for iFunny with a lurker known as Usurper. One of the reasons I proposed this board was because soyskibidis make a billion splinters which mean I could find codefags to help make the 'site


File: stock-photo-trollface-laug….jpg πŸ“₯︎ (1.1 MB, 1500x1600) ImgOps

I'm not talking about that doe. Someone made an actual *app*, and it worked exactly like ifunny.
The icon was a troll face variant. kind of like this one, but not quite


Yeah dumb nigger I know, the 'ru is a completely different project

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