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Our FAVE song "DoLL" from the new DDR!!

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>i mean no hate to anyone who gets the frutiger aero aesthetic wrong or even mistakes it for y2k or something.

>I just think its odd when people will go see like a stock photo or an aquarium and will be like “it has water, theres fish, and grass??? Its so frutiger aero!!!”🙃


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>Yeah, this needed to be said. I had to leave so many frutiger aero groups because of this raisin, and anytime I address it, it becomes "omg let people like things".


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>I actually take psychic damage every time I have to call Vectorheart "Y2K", but it's the only term anyone seems familiar with 😩


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GET. 👏🏿
IT. 👏🏿
RIGHT!!!! 👏🏿



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>it has water, theres fish, and grass??? Its so frutiger aero!!!


Normally I'd agree. I hate it when there's actually relevant and profound discussions to be had, but a bunch of stupid "not like other gurls" E-girl fujoshis from ChinkTok pervert it into some "aesthetic" or another.
>Nietzsche? That's so dark academia core! I'm going to listen to [band name]
>Christianity? That's so cottagecore! I'm going to listen to [band name]
>Population collapse and atomisation? That is so post-dieselpunk-femcel-wave-core! It goes so well with [band name]
So I can agree with being dissatisfied when people say:
>Waouw! That aquarium is so [2000's aesthetic]
But here's the thing: fruitiger aero has nothing profound or meaningful to say, so I couldn't care less if some clown mistakes it for y2k or whatever the phuck. Being pedantic about this autistic snca is retarded.
End of rant.


i wouldnt say frutiger aero has nothing meaningful to say, some sub-genres of frutiger aero like frutiger eco encouraged good things like keeping our planet less polluted. the whole thing with frutiger aero is that it was supposed to be our utopian future, they were hope-posting before that was even a term people used

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