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File: Chud.png πŸ“₯︎ (19.88 KB, 484x561) ImgOps


Should I join the Mafia? There is a local restaurant I know where mobsters are known to hangout. Should I talk to them?


its not a good idea


mafia isnt a thing anymore


Explain why
Not in America maybe but I ain't no mutt






Kill all those shΔ©talians


File: 1730435774396007.jpg πŸ“₯︎ (61.12 KB, 872x872) ImgOps

kill them?


you will never be a mafioso, chudcel

you will be tortured in the basement of the restaurant like a cuckold LOL


do it.


Take your meds. The Soyjak Mafia isn't real, chud.

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