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slow night. it's comfy. how are you all doing tonight?


I’m sleepy. I think I’ll go to bed soon.


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goodnight teen


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good, you?


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can't complain


what is he drinking?


really cheap coffee




is it good for him?


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it's 5 am in Europe and I'm going to work a wagie job in 15 minutes


frog from ohio


im feeling very shi tty/depressed but maybe tomrrow is better


I've got english homework and chemistry homework due tomorrow that I haven't done yet. It's like 11 PM. Do I wait until tomorrow morning and try my chances or do it now


you should kill everyone you work with


dont do it


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Not telling


geg I got a bio test to study for tommorow and I don't know how tf Im gonna do it with the election to distract me


if it's not too long you can wait until tomorrow. i always used to do that


maybe you should bring a firearm later!


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>maybe you should bring a firearm later!


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haha you greentexted my post! that was gemmie!


i just have to read and analyze a short story for english, and finish a presentation for chem (like 50% done). ill be there like an hour early tomorrow so i think i'll have time to do it there




probably. good luck with your stuff



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