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A banner for soyjak.party

/soy/ - Soyjaks

Typically 'jakking
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File: 1728735649609w.png 📥︎ (66.87 KB, 598x800) ImgOps


photon doesn't feel right without mona. we need some sort of ascii buddy looking over ITTheme


just add a dancing soyak and call it a day


that feels too in your face albeit. I liked that it was minimalist but still in your face kinda


Soyak better doe


ascii woahjacks



mona got removed because it connected to a kolyma cdn to fetch the image.
said cdn is down for good. even if you manage to code it back in it won't work


noone has it archived?


archive.today Has pages from early 2023, the same era when kolyma.css was the default theme, it's very easy to snatch mona from these archives
(For dark kolyma)
(For light kolyma)


le bbc cat

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