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/soy/ - Soyjaks

Typically 'jakking
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File: switchjak.png 📥︎ (72.32 KB, 640x640) ImgOps


>mario acks tranny art.png


why do so many people on this site shill the most retarded raisinty toddlerslop trooncore NAS media on this site and then pit them against eachother
its like the sharty has developed its own version of bronies for these raisinty kids animations
mentally stunted autists who obsessively fixate on raisinty kids media and decide to shill it on the fucking bald man with glasses website
can we ban this raisin or relegate them all to /nate/?


>can we ban this raisin or relegate them all to /nate/?
no because they're our admins and moderators


File: ded6.png 📥︎ (31.04 KB, 232x217) ImgOps

>Family Guy will never be a g-ACK!

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