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A banner for soyjak.party

/soy/ - Soyjaks

Typically 'jakking
Password (For file deletion.)

File: gem.mp4 📥︎ (3.84 MB, 640x360) ImgOps


PIRATED WITH THE MOD INSTALLED https://soyjak.download/f.php?h=070M2USJ
<raid spacing
You must first make an account. Click the gear button on the main menu, click account, then click register and make an account using either gmail or hotmail only because every other email is invalid for the game. If you dont have either, make a hotmail because unlike gmail it doesnt require numberphone verification. recommended using a vpn to avoid ip ban if the raid gets too gemmy and chudded up
>gem spacing
then install the globed mod, press the earth button on the main menu and connect to main server 1.
>gemmy raid spacing
make a level and post the id itt so we can play and bump it to the first page, 10 players is enough to give it attention
gem up the voicechat and comments of the levels in the top page




nigger above




derailers are raisinskins


write less next time, faggot


its necessary to write the instructions lazy nigger stop watching youtube shorts


>its necessary to write the instructions lazy nigger stop watching youtube shorts
this sentence is too long


up o algorithms


0 attention span award GEEEEG holy adhd




what's the song name o algo


uppy up raid now


azhohuf nigger


File: 1726946413749j.png 📥︎ (206.21 KB, 680x367) ImgOps

too much effort



File: New_Level_Retard.png 📥︎ (703.37 KB, 1024x1024) ImgOps

>accusing niggers of being some literal who namefag


Geg xes denying it now


im trans btw

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