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If Trump wins will trannies all get conservative boyfriends and husbands?


this dude self inserted as a troonjak then removed the bearderino and noodle hair


File: 1730550177682z.png 📥︎ (45.27 KB, 221x250) ImgOps

>this dude self inserted as a troonjak then removed the bearderino and noodle hair


File: mario acks tranny art.png 📥︎ (338.84 KB, 1920x1080) ImgOps

>If Trump wins will trannies all get conservative boyfriends and husbands?




Mario would never do this


someone never played mario 2




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Total birdo death


OP raped a child btw



Maybe. no yeah they will. Surprisingly a lot of "conservatives" will be fine with troons as long as they wear a maga hat. Plus most troons are probably sick of virtue signaling losers and Tankies the only leftists with any sort of balls or even testosterone refuse to fuck them. So they will gladly latch onto a guy who doesn't think of them as human. Which they aren't


>>this dude self inserted as a troonjak then removed the bearderino and noodle hair
it's a wig


yes marrying trannies will be mandatory.


I fucking knew it my pattern recognition has been so on point these past few years


I mean, trump is known to pray at the wall in isn'treal

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