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File: IMG_2157.png 📥︎ (30.69 KB, 255x255) ImgOps


what the fuck is the grain filter genuinely for


destroying steganography


File: final3.jpg 📥︎ (226.35 KB, 736x1103) ImgOps


File: 1727890185811t.png 📥︎ (97.17 KB, 1257x734) ImgOps

more like replacing steganography with a trackable fingerprint


what the fuck is this


Because frQQT is a faggot
Force him to reverse this shít
( (((Jannies))) still haven’t made a statement about the grain yet btw)


Holy raisin are they finally implementing that.
Explain NOW


File: 1728317718723v.gif 📥︎ (417.05 KB, 256x256) ImgOps

I will use optical illusions to embed data


my theory is that its ai image poison. no idea why jannies would add such a tranny feature that's only used by xitter troons but i think that's the only logical explanation. low opacity dense data to fuck up ai images.


It’s so stupid it increases file size
It has to be loaded with glow tech

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