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There's something so subtly erotic about gut punching. It's the purest, most straightforward way a man can express his love


Women and trannies are fucking psychotic


I'm neither


why do women hate when I high kick them in the ribs? even if i do a spin into high kick they never seem to like it


I want a big strong man to punch me in the tummy! or I could punch him while wearing high heels


Because they're retarded, do that to me and I will be eternally grateful


I'll gut-punch you gapejak faggot


I will be very happy if you do that


then I'll kick you instead


It would be better if you wore doc martens doebeit


shortest 'pasta ever


I will like that too


what don't you like


Not a pasta doe, it's an expression of my thoughts


Interracial relationships


Not yet


Why do you think so chvddy?


I'll hire a nigger to rape you then


that sounds peak too, sure


According to Goebbels Slavs are niggers so technically it won't be interracial


a black nigger


What's your name sweaty?


It still won't be a relationship doe


cassie wbu


Then i'll hire a jeet to rape you and your mother instead




Where will you get the money?


they'll do it for free since it's a jeet


I will shoot him then


i like it


I mean a lil bit shows that their like strong o algo


Send shoe pics


they'll mob rape you since theres billions of them



>ev&oe there are less


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Marge who is ryona


I'll go to india and start a gang of jeets and I'll fly them into your country so they can gang rape you


Do you even know where I live doe?


me. I'm ryona


A fetish genre of (usually drawn) pornography which depicts a character physically hurt either in a sensual way, or in a sexual situation. Ryona usually has situations where the character of focus is beaten up or tortured and is subsequently psychologically damaged in a dominating way by his or her attacker. Typically, the victim is hurt in a way that wouldn't immediately draw blood, cause lasting physical harm, or cause death, which are more the territory of Guro, although the two genres can overlap.

-Per urbandictionary.com


Thank you for introducing me to this, I vvill look into that


And I'm Guro


there's this one pic I really like where a guy just knocks a starbucks employees drink out of his hand that he had written cute stuff on the guy for. the female targeted stuff is better and more subtle. then again it's kind of spedpilled to knock down your own drink


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have fun


My kink are skinheads


Thanks impCHAD

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