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File: 1728772064884x.png 📥︎ (250.19 KB, 574x710) ImgOps


If the tangerine tyrant wins, that's it. I'm fucking moving to canada


Can you upload the original image in catbox.moe I want to use it without the noise


if trump wins im gonna spread my girlflue as far as i can




File: IMG_5304.png 📥︎ (18.54 KB, 600x600) ImgOps

>If the tangerine tyrant wins, that's it. I'm fucking moving to canada


my 28 year old balding coworker actually said this. He said he was voting for kamala and that trump was a tyrant and then proceeded to tell my younger black woman coworker that if trump won she was going to get deported… GEGGG


this was yesterday by the way




go back


File: 49167 - SoyBooru(1).png 📥︎ (25.94 KB, 600x800) ImgOps

>tangerine tyrant


File: ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (50.37 KB, 736x670) ImgOps

>tangerine tyrant

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