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File: detective cobson.jpeg 📥︎ (51.85 KB, 513x406) ImgOps

File: cob smoking pipe.jpg 📥︎ (15.2 KB, 370x326) ImgOps

File: detective cobson.jpeg 📥︎ (51.85 KB, 513x406) ImgOps




File: test1.jpeg 📥︎ (12.37 KB, 513x406) ImgOps

all the tools online were raisin but i think this should be the difference between the first image and what got uploaded


im retarded, the noise just got added again to this
noise free version: https://imgur.com/a/EUzBhpp (plus a brightened version to see it better)
i tested image #1 and image #3 and they had the same noise


image 2 has different noise but i shouldve been smarter and had different images with the same dimensions


no grain on this one


how would you even tell if grain got added


File: chad hanging troon.png 📥︎ (367.6 KB, 844x1022) ImgOps

File: chad fish hanging diver 2.png 📥︎ (402.73 KB, 844x1022) ImgOps

testing different images with the same size


File: 1727886605550c.jpeg 📥︎ (43.93 KB, 603x877) ImgOps



File: ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (394.43 KB, 603x877) ImgOps


either something is wrong with the difference finder or the noise isn't totally random


File: Screenshot_20241104-203713.png 📥︎ (1.39 MB, 853x1318) ImgOps

the grain is real

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