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I love everyone im so fucking happy i lov eyou have a wonderful day you amazing fucking superstar 💖




are you perscribed


legal meth award



I want to hug everyone holy raisin


dont start gooning or you'll goon for the next 3 days straight




kys drugs addicted nigger


Im the dude with erectile dysfunction
I cant goon, im just happy


give me the ip to any of the school computers or school wifi


I love youu give me a hug plss ur amazing im dead serious I love everyone so much omg



its like drugs but kid friendly


its literally 1 atom away from meth


O rlly


meth is aryan as fuck


But I gave no side effects and I love youuuuuuu ily ily
Hi ppookiee ily I love you too brw


water is one atom away from hydrogen peroxide doe


I mean I have no negative side effects and it makes homework so fun


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It also makes my cry a bit but its comforting


Like if you accidentally bump into me ill cry then ill start hugging you and act like a clingy fahgot lmfaoooo


My heart is beating so fast rn I feel it pumping


rapeson origin story




Well hes one of my emotions
I believe rapeson is an emotion


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>rapeson is an emotion


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Im calm ok im calm


Its weird because im calm and excited at the same time
I live him hes awesome



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Ok enough blogposting when schools over ill post something fun


I wish i still had that raisinskin fortnite video so i could gigasage this thread with it


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Do et


This was kinda cringe I shouldnt of have said this one tbh


ate alone at lunch again award





I remember the first time I did Adderall…

I remember one time I took 8 IR Adderall 30s at a friend's house when a couple of us were there, and when the first friend fell asleep on the sofa with his phone on his chest, I took his phone, went to the bathroom, busted a huge nut on his phone screen, and gave it back to him. My other friend that was there still laughs at that.


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Just no




Do you live in israel?




Im usually neutral/slightly happy thoughie though


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Bigtitsnigger is soo cool is is so fucking big and has a bibisi


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>Im usually neutral/slightly happy thoughie though


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The side effects are severe dehydration and regretting everything you said while high


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lil chuddy in the thread


Just yes.




you nut on his phone so i thought you were gay for him


It's just a prank, bro. I'm not a faggot.


oh alr


do it to my phone


Ok. I will, FAGGOT.


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>I took adderall im at school
amerimutt moment


I once gooned on adderall for 12 hours straight. Never again


Just be careful not to double up on doses or go on multi day binges or you could ruin your life


Hitler took adderall so its aryan


I would smoke meth and goon for three days straight.

I don't smoke meth anymore…


okay I hope your okay


What was your goonfuel of choice


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>take adderall
>pay attention in school and do my homework
>become a productive, responsible member of society
>become an ally to the LGBT community
>say trans rights


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>Just no


for anyone reading this thread adderall is like meth


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People always say this, but unless you've taken both can you know for sure?


adderall β€˜teen do you love meth



it feels like that though it forces me to be extremely nice and moralistic


hitler killed himself so being trans is aryan



It doesn't actually, amphetamines are if anything associated with hostility and aggression, but you are high so your inclination to be cruel to others to cope with life is diminished


Drugs will never make you happy
Nature is cruelly parsimonious with pleasure
You will inevitably develop a tolerance and will feel less and less euphoria, so you will need to take more and more and no matter how much you take it will never be like your first time

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