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Typically 'jakking
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What yall do to make these niggas so mad???
Geeeeeeeeg https://boards.4chan.org/v/thread/693740171#top


a teen here keeps fucking with the pokemon trannies on 4chan and they now transhate the sharty geg


I saw a bunch of sharty posts last time I scrolled vp


Sharty faggots deserve to be treated like this.


Gemmy video btw




geg i havent seen that video in a long time, what is the song btw?
also 4trannies seethe because we interrupt their gooning sessions


Im curious about the song name too, its kino


sounds like some scottish folk song, maybe try shazam


I tried searching the lyrics. Can't find it
Someone, do this


Someone find the song name



Keyed, couldnt find this


Wonder how they feel about what their song has become kek. comments are full of soyteens


Soot get the colorjaks to ama


even when no one's in the board they bring us up


Soyjak derangement syndrome

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