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Typically 'jakking
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>0-effort NAS bait
thrembillion replies
>gemmy soyquote
0 replies
why is /soy/ like this?


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>one more reply and (((they))) will never post bait ever again


soyquotes of random text are boring and theres nothing to say about them


has something to do with the fact you are an autistic ipad kid


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Sh*rty is dead get over it, faggot. This is our site now trans owned site keeeek what are you gonna do about it chuddy?


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>Sh*rty is dead get over it, faggot. This is our site now trans owned site keeeek what are you gonna do about it chuddy?


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no one has anything to say about a soqyquote, and also baiters are known to samefag and negrobump and look like this


Tell me OP, what is there to reply to a generic soyquote with? Gem? Coal? You can't interact with it.
Meanwhile bait can be very interactive.


admit it the most anyone would respond to that soyquote with is "Gem" theres nothing worth replying to it with


be creative, retard


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>Tell me OP, what is there to reply to a generic soyquote with? Gem? Coal? You can't interact with it.
>Meanwhile bait can be very interactive.


I'm asking (You) to tell me, stop dodging the question.


holy fucking retard
do you need a guide? a book?
it's like a conversation, if you are retarded you wont keep up with it.


You were wrong, end of discussion. I'm muting this thread so I get the last word, because my word was correct, and yours was wrong, consider yourself educated, you're welcome.




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>You were wrong, end of discussion. I'm muting this thread so I get the last word, because my word was correct, and yours was wrong, consider yourself educated, you're welcome.


You can't answer me because I'm right, there's nothing that you can add to a soyquote thread which is why they get no replies.


okay i see it now
ipad toddler itt


'jak this guy


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Oh my God neos‪oiboodleboogerburgers are retarded


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>asks why bait gets more replies than coalquotes
>somebody answers correctly
>soicucks can't refute his point and resort to attacking his character instead
Kek, it's kino!


You’re supposed to clap back with trans girls


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>Tell me OP, what is there to reply to a generic soyquote with? Gem? Coal? You can't interact with it.
>Meanwhile bait can be very interactive.


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