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File: tetojak smile.png 📥︎ (10.49 KB, 515x551) ImgOps


AIDS has to be a literal divine punishment for being a faggot. The fact that this disease exists that can be avoided 99.99% of the time by not having tons of unprotected sex with strangers just completely fucking wiped out faggots for decades has to be proof god exists. Like all you have to do, ALL YOU HAVE TO DO, is not have unprotected sex with dozens of strangers, and for some reason faggots just couldnt not do that lmao


monkeypox is


new copypasta just dropped


Faggots bent God's reality to their will and are drawing ever closer to completely trouncing HIV from existence. AIDS is nowhere near the death sentence it used to be 40 years ago. Faggots won


inb4 that one image of nigger dying from aids


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>Faggots bent God's reality to their will and are drawing ever closer to completely trouncing HIV from existence. AIDS is nowhere near the death sentence it used to be 40 years ago. Faggots won


File: SisaGreen.gif 📥︎ (5.32 MB, 256x256) ImgOps

>Faggots bent God's reality to their will and are drawing ever closer to completely trouncing HIV from existence. AIDS is nowhere near the death sentence it used to be 40 years ago. Faggots won


File: ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (13.11 KB, 250x250) ImgOps

>Faggots bent God's reality to their will and are drawing ever closer to completely trouncing HIV from existence. AIDS is nowhere near the death sentence it used to be 40 years ago. Faggots won


its weird seeing this jak used as a self insert


even doe kvz got it and hes not a faggot


File: tetojak keffiyeh neutral.png 📥︎ (23.88 KB, 515x551) ImgOps

i made it because im arab or something



File: hang.png 📥︎ (170.97 KB, 400x374) ImgOps

Kys aids was just the start now faggots have monkeypox, floods, storms to worry about


isnt he a pedofaggot doe?

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