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Typically 'jakking
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nigga this channel hasnt uploaded in 14 years


oh wait nvm



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this is the most autistic negroid ive ever seen



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we should ask him what he thinks of cobson


>obsessed fnf pedo




is it a bot or something? cause it literally just uploaded another video https://youtu.be/F7P8Scohb28?si=eaTDqW2FUzXtUzAY






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>its an actual dnb droid made to upload autistic videos on youtube every minute


>mfw nuzoomiecacas don't know what sparta remixes are
they were pretty popular around 10 years ago


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>Uploading tens of thousands of useless and retarded and autistic videos that get no views every minute so that Google's storage space runs out and they have to delete a large chunk of it, which causes damage to one of the jewish silicon valley tech giants



he really does look like that



There are hundreds of channels like these doebeit



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