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File: EiEnNsSWAAszWif.png πŸ“₯︎ (52.04 KB, 378x378) ImgOps


What's up with foids' weird obsession about killing unborn babies and calling it human right or some raisin?


They listened to satan.


idk but i keep getting these annoying fucking ads saying "we voted to keep our heckin right to murder babies and x republican politician is an evil alt right chud who wants to take our right away" like bitch GOOD i dont give a fuck


foids are literally servants of satan


>i dont give a fuck


Feminism o algo


This is one of the few main reasons on why people use adblockers.



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It's not a foid thing it's a goyim thing


muttbros, do your republican candidates really have no exceptions?


no they do have exceptions for rape and raisin its just democrats want women to think they want women to be forced to have incest and rape babies and since women are retarded they believe the democrats lies


I hate when these sorta ads talk about incest like who the hell is fucking their relatives


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>What's up with foids' weird obsession about killing unborn babies and calling it human right or some raisin?


File: 1729454749625s.png πŸ“₯︎ (700.95 KB, 2048x1173) ImgOps

>I hate when these sorta ads talk about incest like who the hell is fucking their relatives


its a clump of cells that cant think or feel pain. get over it


all the somali immigrants theyve been importing


ruth is just a clump of cells burning in niggerhell right now


vanatablack brimstone straight from 4cuckhell


inspect element award


File: IMG_5175.png πŸ“₯︎ (362.88 KB, 1092x1911) ImgOps

>>>9013482 (OP)
>its a clump of cells that cant think or feel pain. get over it


File: 1728381200116e.png πŸ“₯︎ (391.01 KB, 1375x2392) ImgOps

>>What's up with foids' weird obsession about killing unborn babies and calling it human right or some raisin?


whats your relationship with your mom?



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>not wanting women to sacrifice babies to baal and moloch = you dont like your heckin mother bigot


File: 87245 - SoyBooru.png πŸ“₯︎ (82.64 KB, 353x615) ImgOps

>>>What's up with foids' weird obsession about killing unborn babies and calling it human right or some raisin?


If you really think about it every animal out there is just a clump of cells


are baal and moloch in the room with us now? stop reading weird fantasy slop


File: 1728381200116e.png πŸ“₯︎ (391.01 KB, 1375x2392) ImgOps

>>>>What's up with foids' weird obsession about killing unborn babies and calling it human right or some raisin?


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>sacrificing babies to baal and moloch


File: 1718455557245s.gif πŸ“₯︎ (449.95 KB, 255x255) ImgOps

>are baal and moloch in the room with us now? stop reading weird fantasy slop


File: 1730720633046i.png πŸ“₯︎ (21.65 KB, 147x255) ImgOps

>>>>>What's up with foids' weird obsession about killing unborn babies and calling it human right or some raisin?


File: 1728381200116e.png πŸ“₯︎ (391.01 KB, 1375x2392) ImgOps

>>>>>>What's up with foids' weird obsession about killing unborn babies and calling it human right or some raisin?


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i dont use those sites


You're not welcome here, leftist pedophile. Are you mentally handicapped or something? Assuming you aren't a woman, which case would be a 100% guarantee.


File: 1728162486830h.png πŸ“₯︎ (181.66 KB, 525x680) ImgOps

>You're not welcome here, leftist pedophile. Are you mentally handicapped or something? Assuming you aren't a woman, which case would be a 100% guarantee.


>will the real Meir Amit please stand up


dumbest nigger award


smartest aryan trophy


File: 1730720633046i.png πŸ“₯︎ (21.65 KB, 147x255) ImgOps

>>>9014008 (You)
>>>9014019 (You)
>>>9014024 (You)
>You're not welcome here, leftist pedophile. Are you mentally handicapped or something? Assuming you aren't a woman, which case would be a 100% guarantee.


oppositeGOD… i kneel…


Feminism is leftist, and so are trannies. You're both the same and both of you should take the bullet.


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New 'toss


Foids are hedonistic sluts so they get to kill babies for free


nigger what are you talking about? nobodys defending feminism. im just geging at you and your glownigger .is site


Commiepedotroonlesbian award


>only trannies hate foids
>all incels are trannies
You said this. You are a leftist pedophile tranny trying to groom right-wing loners into trooning it.


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holy raisin you are actually retarted. you are one of the dumbest niggers ive ever seen on this site


troon isn't a transitive verb anon. trooning it?? i lold irl. am trans btw. goodnight anon


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Feminism won. Moids lost.


someone's going to be annoyed if I bump this so here


I think all retarded and rape babies should be aborted or if the baby poses a threat to the mother. If you’re so much of a slut you can’t use birth control that’s the whore’s problem.


I accept your concession, pedophile nigger. Trump is winning. It's over, communist faggot. The rope is waiting for you and with this reality to close up on you.


File: 1728965138574z.png πŸ“₯︎ (613.08 KB, 798x1024) ImgOps

>Feminism won. Moids lost.


>Trump is winning.



i dont care about abortion but who needs more fucking babies in the world nobody cares


Faggot thread kys


File: 73467 - SoyBooru.png πŸ“₯︎ (477.18 KB, 895x934) ImgOps

>What's up with foids' weird obsession about killing unborn babies and calling it human right or some raisin?


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