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Typically 'jakking
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>im in the thick of it everybody knows
>they know me where it snows I skied in and they froze
>I dont know no nothing bout no ice im just cold


File: analprolapseenthusaist.png 📥︎ (288.86 KB, 828x888) ImgOps

I'm suckin dick n shiet
gripping wid my toes
They know i can blow, never ask me "faster" or "too slow"
I don't know no nothin' 'bout no rubber, i go in cold
twenny somethin' inches or so, I've been told

i squirt some lime before im clearing out his kids
taste like candy when they're dripping down my tits
I went from discord straight to slopping jaks
mah feet hurt from eating sugar, it can't be that bad?

This is how my chubby rose
I guess this is how my chubby rose

I'm suckin dick n shiet
gripping wid my toes
They know i can blow, never ask me "faster" or "too slow"
I don't know no nothin' 'bout no rubber, i go in cold
20 summing inches or so i been told

From the scream, to my ring, sucking pen, feeling clean
Why's it brown? That's my king
Always hurting when it's in
See, I believe that my forced dust wil save the sherdeee
brap through the ceiling, then i blame it on the jerddee

This is how my chubby rose
I guess this is how my chubby rose

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