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Typically 'jakking
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diddy dindu, did he?


Rucka wabag


File: sum1.png πŸ“₯︎ (765.33 KB, 866x584) ImgOps


File: IMG_5182.gif πŸ“₯︎ (860.23 KB, 255x255) ImgOps

Bump, we need more β€˜cka gems


'teens should start a raid to promote rucka's music
his video views have been down in recent years and it makes me sad o algo because he's so gemmy


Make rucka smv


do this


rucka's reposted fanmade videos on his channel before, he did it with some countryhumans brim that was probably made by a bunch of 14 year old girls
if we make an smv and send it to him there's a good chance he'll post it on his channel


Kek, it's kino




do this NOW


which song doe


File: gangsta nate.png πŸ“₯︎ (43.41 KB, 139x363) ImgOps

File: pygmy.png πŸ“₯︎ (807.66 KB, 803x1093) ImgOps

>pygmies, when they play basketball they're like
<"pick me!"


Are we still in the early 2010s? Yuck.


Weird Al if he was a kike.


These are new songs you fat faggoty cracker


Weird Al is a kike, albeit.


File: Goyim.png πŸ“₯︎ (728.96 KB, 1338x1297) ImgOps

gods chosen people win again


No he isn't.


File: 1730344351057r.mp4 πŸ“₯︎ (8.72 MB, 640x360) ImgOps


He looks like one with his kinky hair and his big nose but he claims not to be and I don't want him to be so I believe him.


Ethnic jew not practicing judaism.


Holy raisin i hate furries.
Kill furries.


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>”dressing like a dog doesn’t make me a faggot”


File: ClipboardImage.png πŸ“₯︎ (117.12 KB, 967x276) ImgOps

He's a Balkan mutt according to kikepedia albeit.


Furchuds… our response???


only the twa are pygmies doebeit


they pray to ancient shaddai, big cheese


File: ClipboardImage.png πŸ“₯︎ (1.47 MB, 1688x968) ImgOps


we wish we could see yo bitch tits we wish we could see yo bitch tits


goona goona cumi



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