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 β„–9006037Quote[View All][1][2][3][4]

I few days ago weedgirl68(a massive faggot) had tryed to ddos vnc.wtf. This kid is a retard and puts his public ip up

his ip is here https://search.censys.io/hosts/

if you want to make sure vnc raiding stays alive fucking dox this dude
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archive of that profile by the way xes blanking it geg


see the name is different.


i give up anyways cuz janny is just gonna ban whatever u post regardless


Please DONT

find if there is something that matches


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well so far ill break down what i got, i know this is the actual steam cuz the same pfp is on xis twitter as well which was https://x.com/chloelol0 before xe disabled it , u can still find it if u google "weedgirl68" , with quotations , if u google "veastz" u find his stuff too , i found xis telegram using a sherlock like tool from github called snoopr cli and xis instagram , which is https://www.instagram.com/veastz/ , the username is in databreaches and one of the emaisl connected to it is "sylvesterveastz@gmail.com" which may or may not be true , xe also has a github https://github.com/weedgirl68/ , also the other usernames on xis steam like weedgirl67 are connected to these emails "medauerkelly@yahoo.fr" "youliexcore91@hotmail.com" which may or may not be xis , thats as much as i've found


thanks aryan king


Didn’t we already dox xer but Jannies deleted it



Are we gonna send the za or what


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also xe has another telegram https://t.me/weedgirl68 , theres also https://www.snapchat.com/add/weedgirl68 which may or may not be xis






wtf revert this now


soycrackersfascistcumskins lost
enjoy the take down


its over… we lost..




its a fucking tranny. I doubt thats his "real name"


worst bait from nigger hell


someone need to find xis dead name or something


this is a falseflag, we antifagods would not vote for a genocidal zionist


marge why is the site laggy




kys nigger


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Nathan lee.

Look at the old steam name hes saying is 101% fake


please let vnc die, there are nulear factories in there, a nigger could cause an incident


Nathan lee

Harold lee

both end in lee.

Harold lee is likely the dad. He said its a joke and fake but what is the joke there? I put harold lee a random name with no significane as my email.

you cant. There are no nuclear factorys that have no password


why would he put his dads email as his steam username



repost because Im a raisinty nigger with bad grammer

please tell me to the people saying "its obviously a joke, haroldlee@hotmail.com is a joke email in the steam." How and what is the joke

am i the only one who agrees that its not a joke and the hotmail is his dads old email.

I know the telegram isnt the one linked on https://spacehey.com/veast but that is old and its comfirmed hes made multiple telegram accounts.

That username is almost used by no one and with all the stuff I provided I cant be the only one who sees it


his dad likely did considering he was 9 at the time of making the account



i dont know about alphoomers, but i was perfectly capable of making a steam account on my own at that age


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Why the fuck would a 8/9 year old put 'haroldlee1972@hotmail.com'


because its most likely his dads email that he used to sign his son up


Niggas find him


wheres my personal army when i need it?


yeah xister. please help out a black neurodivergant latinx queen and finish this dox


should i metasploit into the guy's pc?


if you can do it and archive/video record but I dont think u could no offense


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>should i metasploit into the guy's pc?


reddit meme but yeah I agree


failed 'ox


yeah we got a name but no address yet

did sharty lose against 14 year old faggot


you dont even have a name, atleast not without a real source


Kinda but remember that the faggot failed the ddos so I would say it’s a tie/inconclusive


Jannies deleted the dox



i think we scared xer atleast, xhe privated xer twitter and blanked her website.
vnc.wtf WIN


bump cuz things arent finished


his real name is fernandez

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