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Meet ChainsFR, a nigger. Sure, this may be a literal know who, but hear this.
Xe grooms kids into addictions such as smoking and beer

How doe? You see jootube jannies let this nigger in because "it heckin diversifies le heckin platform!" and xis videos AREN'T age-restricted, meaning that a kid might find xis channel and get groomed


cucktagram (to groom soychildren even more):instagram.com/chainsforeal

shop: https://chainsclub.shop/


Nigger this is a retarded fucking excuse for 'oxxing that has zero justification behind it, just say it's because xhe's a retarded faggot nigger.


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>cord in a cloud with an arrow
what is this?


thats discord chat exporter, useful for datamining corders

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