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File: IMG_0073.jpeg πŸ“₯︎ (40.25 KB, 192x180) ImgOps

 β„–160809Quote[View All][1][2]

112 posts and 51 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



maybe there's a way to get the 'cord logins


Maybe but i have yet to find any, american hours are coming back around, hopefully yall can find more things and file more reports as i am needing to sleep, best of luck 'teens may jesus christ bless you on your rightous battle.


File: ClipboardImage.png πŸ“₯︎ (214.59 KB, 606x657) ImgOps


bvmp, total tranny and pedo death.


File: Recurring Characters.png πŸ“₯︎ (54.97 KB, 913x498) ImgOps

File: Zero OPsec award.png πŸ“₯︎ (173.52 KB, 913x498) ImgOps

File: Lolidevotee.png πŸ“₯︎ (105.49 KB, 552x340) ImgOps

File: Certified Pedophiles.png πŸ“₯︎ (36.67 KB, 552x340) ImgOps

I return with a bit more not much thobiet. went through that whole second list, found what I could, reported who I could. but here's some gems, and one of them will be a live gem.


File: lolidevoteedeviantart.png πŸ“₯︎ (80.55 KB, 1325x582) ImgOps

File: nah nigga youre done.png πŸ“₯︎ (54.26 KB, 790x290) ImgOps

File: weirdos.png πŸ“₯︎ (60.03 KB, 913x545) ImgOps

File: lolidevotee birthday.png πŸ“₯︎ (159.44 KB, 913x498) ImgOps

more gems


File: Total Groomer Death.png πŸ“₯︎ (68.71 KB, 872x582) ImgOps

File: MOOOOOOODDDDDDDDSSSSSSSS.png πŸ“₯︎ (257.88 KB, 1008x582) ImgOps

File: lolidevotee rumble.png πŸ“₯︎ (70.66 KB, 1325x582) ImgOps

File: Lolidevotee Xhamster GEG.png πŸ“₯︎ (91.32 KB, 1325x582) ImgOps

even more


File: DOCTOS 3.png πŸ“₯︎ (272.01 KB, 778x535) ImgOps

File: DOCTOS 2.png πŸ“₯︎ (53.85 KB, 778x449) ImgOps

File: DOCTOS.png πŸ“₯︎ (22.16 KB, 778x203) ImgOps

File: Total Groomer Death 2.png πŸ“₯︎ (30.9 KB, 872x337) ImgOps

another cart o gems


even more gems


File: DOCTOS 4.png πŸ“₯︎ (142.12 KB, 778x535) ImgOps

forgot to attach images


those numbers are to the Session meetups. Its basically Telegram but more secure against hacker attacks. Expect brimstone


yeah I'm like 99 percent sure they are using them to facilitate the spread of CSAM. ive reported them already to YouTube, wrote in deatilmas well, so hopefully the multiple reports I sent will ping some glowies radar.




Nigga, I think thats a horrible idea, there is a 99 percent chance that is a 'p group chat,DO NOT COPY AND PASTE just report them to YouTube and the Police.

Its not worth it for soyteens to be possibly exposed to 'p


If youre gonna raid anything, raid the comments in their community posts. let em know their little ring is compromised, make them run like the fucking rats they are.


but it will run to the risk of them being caught and get away with all their crime




honestly, yeah, we should I guess just lay low and hope the Feddies actually do something.

I guess in the meantime just file and report these people

and sorry im drowsy, ill spoil it next time


File: YamatoLolicon3.png πŸ“₯︎ (14.86 KB, 820x109) ImgOps

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File: YamatoLolicon.png πŸ“₯︎ (34.1 KB, 670x297) ImgOps

File: Lolicon in the wild.png πŸ“₯︎ (53.97 KB, 429x463) ImgOps

A lolicon that I found in the wild is in this group btw he associates with lolidevotee I found while watching moo deng.


i could but i didn't wanna touch their channels


File: 54251450-6C76-4BC3-8BD6-FC….png πŸ“₯︎ (27.16 KB, 255x188) ImgOps

>Pygmy hippos: animal crossing
>Big hippos: doom eternal


don't comment or reply to them i repeat don't comment or reply to them
don't set off any alarms, for example aaaaaaaa_aaaa__ is now mylovebeIt


File: IMG_2166.png πŸ“₯︎ (2.17 MB, 1806x1169) ImgOps

I found some legit β€˜edo I don’t have his yt (probably acked) you can sting him and report him out.



File: IMG_2172.png πŸ“₯︎ (931.7 KB, 600x1558) ImgOps

>I found some legit β€˜edo I don’t have his yt (probably acked) you can sting him and report him out.


His name is newengcreep and I got it from some other dude I was baiting


File: IMG_2173.png πŸ“₯︎ (549.68 KB, 775x849) ImgOps

>>I found some legit β€˜edo I don’t have his yt (probably acked) you can sting him and report him out.


>His name is newengcreep and I got it from some other dude I was baiting

BTW I was caught in these photos, gooners are gullible and I acted to hard trying to catch them. I’ll spoil β€˜em soon


There is another app, TeleGuard, that while seemingly a honeypot facilitates this type of thing, and it's the same exact people as on YouTube with the grooming cults. One ID of someone involved with it is EK4PNDDLL . I don't know how to pursue action; though I believe the app to be a honeypot I'm not sure how to go about expediting the process of getting these people locked up


Fucking pedophile deleted it but ok so
>a long lowercase hexidecimal string
This is a Session ID and can be reported to support@getsession.org . They encourage reports; just give the offender's Session ID.
>a short uppercase alphanumeric (all of [A-Z0-9]) string
This is a TeleGuard ID. It works like Session, where accounts can be created and abandoned(*) readily. Like with Session IDs, people usually do not state that they are TeleGuard IDs for privacy, esp. on a public-facing site like YouTube.
TeleGuard staff aren't as direct on how to report but their main support email is support@teleguard.com
I know a bit about how TeleGuard works; it took me a long time to figure out and could help us get people arrested. If you want to talk message me at @cobidk on Telegram (gram!!)
I'm sorry for the namefag / username (I made it just for this) but this is serious and if I say it publicly it won't be good. If there's a better way to share this information please just let me know and I'll delete and modify my post etc.


Bumping so this doesn't slide off


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File: bone chilling.gif πŸ“₯︎ (7.91 MB, 600x338) ImgOps

>404 not found


In my experience loliniggers are either seething clittycels or trannies


File: doctos scream.mp4 πŸ“₯︎ (905.46 KB, 132x254) ImgOps

>pump pump pump


up, kill these pedos NOW


Nigga that was 2 years ago on a now dead sub stop being obsessed



first one is epi btw



currently in the process of 'oxxing


DOB: 9/5/????
Gender: Female
Email: raydonxd1@gmail.com
Location: Texas, United States


could send lamia a ip grabber using cob.soy


or maybe gore


Send xher this



I found xis patreon leak site
Xe has a 'cord server


keep the thread UPPPPP



Antimatter from the darkest depths of brimstoneniggerhell


File: mge.jpg πŸ“₯︎ (289 KB, 1800x1788) ImgOps



File: 87844 - SoyBooru.mp4 πŸ“₯︎ (18.31 MB, 1440x1080) ImgOps

or however, the army must attack

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