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A banner for soyjak.party

/raid/ - Raid: SHADOW LEGENDS

Start your RAID: Shadow Legends journey today, and experience skilful Clan-centered cooperative play!
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/raid/ is a board for raids, please use it as such.

Should you find CSAM or other graphic depictions of real children, please file a report to the NCMEC, do NOT save it: https://www.missingkids.org/gethelpnow/cybertipline

Making illegal threats is completely forbidden and will result in a permanent ban.
What (You) should NOT do:
Archive CSAM or other illegal materials.
Derail threads, this will result in a ban from the board.
Use /raid/ for advertising.
Necrobump your thread because nobody cared or was not interested.
Use /raid/ against random people you do not like.
Launch a raid because of a whisper on the wind/a rumor of an allegation.

What (You) SHOULD do:
Contribute to your own threads, don't expect others to do all the work for you.
Archive information correctly for easier consumption.
Spoiler images where necessary.
Follow the rules.
Gather evidence, this was important for Kris Tyson
When advertising on /soy/, please do so correctly, for example: >>>/raid/postnumber

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