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can we please rape nu jarty to death?
they literally post dd, 'p, and raisinlita porn

it needs to be shut down


im gonna start reporting the 'p soon, you should join in

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What are the best people search websites for up-to-date addresses? Also they need to be free because I'm jewish.
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i know fast people search true people search and thatsthem


Whats the issue with them then


I was looking for information and I think it might be outdated, like the dox on cary huang and likely some other people I'm datamining


Have you tried whitepages
A lot of the free websites use the same sources or copy from each other so you might have limited luck in getting new infomation


it's probably better for confirming because it's paid but will give some info

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Cutiemari is tranny that makes terrible made comics using blatant strawman arguments and admitted multiple times to bot likes for Xitter engagement

Neptune(xitter name) mari tranny nigger wife equally as annoying and degenerate that is often fighting with people online for attention and sending drugs to children to groom and transition them something mari approves

I think most of the user's at the sharty are familiar with cutiemari and xher terrible comics as xhe appropriates sharty culture and often uses it to steal for xer comics.

At this point xhey just asking to be 'oxxed and 'urded
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I always thought xhe was images hit with a leadpipe considering xhey are identical in behaviour, and likely moved to another account so we don’t send xer β€˜zas again


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Does anyone know these brands? You can maybe find the frenchman actual state only by those.


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why the fuck do these niggers ruin palestine for me with their tranny raisin


Mari β€˜ox so far
AUGUST 31st 2006


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Xer face btw

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ITT: we send 'za to 121 Thoroughbred Blvd, Hamilton, ON L9K 1N2, Canada
because it's a pooner troon who we raided earlier and went through the trouble of finding xer address, also it's funny



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Meet ChainsFR, a nigger. Sure, this may be a literal know who, but hear this.
Xe grooms kids into addictions such as smoking and beer

How doe? You see jootube jannies let this nigger in because "it heckin diversifies le heckin platform!" and xis videos AREN'T age-restricted, meaning that a kid might find xis channel and get groomed


cucktagram (to groom soychildren even more):instagram.com/chainsforeal

shop: https://chainsclub.shop/


Nigger this is a retarded fucking excuse for 'oxxing that has zero justification behind it, just say it's because xhe's a retarded faggot nigger.


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>cord in a cloud with an arrow
what is this?


thats discord chat exporter, useful for datamining corders

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geometry dash globed raid
PIRATED WITH THE MOD INSTALLED https://soyjak.download/f.php?h=070M2USJ
<raid spacing
You must first make an account. Click the gear button on the main menu, click account, then click register and make an account using either gmail or hotmail only because every other email is invalid for the game. If you dont have either, make a hotmail because unlike gmail it doesnt require numberphone verification. recommended using a vpn to avoid ip ban if the raid gets too gemmy and chudded up
>gem spacing
then install the globed mod, press the earth button on the main menu and connect to main server 1.
>gemmy raid spacing
Play the level 111749263 to bump it to the first page so everyone will see it.
After that we will gem up the voicechat and comments of other levels.

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.



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Go post squirrel gems in this thread


'sted in thread


posted gemmies


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Gemmy soyteens this reminds me of why I love this raisinhole site

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ITT we share information and guides for doxing and osint
https://zerobin.net/?9473ed638f63260e#ZHolcSnUzyQH4mQYAeWcZDDHj5I1UkY8QZ1lrr99Xs8=nDyFWaT5K0=%3E%3E159368 (List of tools made by a β€˜teen)
Gemmy β€˜tube video on how to dox
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https://ipinfo.io/ (gemmy ip info lookup it also tells you if the victim uses tor and shieet)


dont forget the telegram breached osint bot , it actually has all the intelx data and is 7 day free with $1 sub or something @DataScanner_bot



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JewTubers made a 24/7 livestream where AI generates Kamala and trumps debates from viewers prompts

Suggest topics by saying !topic (suggestion).

Spam topic suggestions related to sharty culture to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


send dur link


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vibingleaf is an obvious tranny who makes bone chilling spine tingling genre redefining A24 slow burn brimstone tranalog horror troonslops, xhe influenced thousands of retarded xitter ahh horrorslop creepypasta coals

Xitter: https://x.com/vibingleaf
Jewtube: https://www.youtube.com/@vibingleaf
Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/vibingleaf

I'm trans btw
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we already tried bud.
get ready for a failraid






before /raid/ was reseted there was a bunch of threads against these creepypedo faggots and 'leaf was one of them but that thread failed


i think there should be a thread dedicated to that community because it is full of pedos

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