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File: woke karen.png 📥︎ (156.08 KB, 381x406) ImgOps


'jak xhim


>22 minutes unapproved
jannies have died


potential gemmy idea


i did this months ago and it was coal. try it i fuckign hate this commie fag


File: commie_smurf.png 📥︎ (22.52 KB, 762x812) ImgOps

File: commie_smurf_earless.png 📥︎ (21.55 KB, 762x812) ImgOps

Decided to give it a shot



File: ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (508.86 KB, 1024x971) ImgOps

File: ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (95.2 KB, 800x791) ImgOps

the only problem is that it's overdetailed
try removing the beanie and maybe simplifying it too


File: commiejak.png 📥︎ (17.83 KB, 762x812) ImgOps

Is this better?



gem with coalish properties. make mouth bigger


File: stachejak.png 📥︎ (3.59 KB, 381x406) ImgOps

my attempt, how did i do?


Better than >>14855 because the latter has too much detail still


He looks like Dave Rivera, the self-claimed "husband" of Kate Bush, when in reality he's a huge cucking simp and a fucking creep.

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