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make it so typing abbreviations and variants of names works on captcah
e.g. cobson === cobby, raisinson, gemson, coalson
flartson === raisinson
amerimutt === mutt
pepe === frog


also this wouldn't be an advantage for offsiters except maybe the pepe one


>the soyim don't know


There should be more of them. But don't let me stop you from sniffing your own farts.


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That's really something good to protect ourselves from cordtroons.

Also, here's a tip: if you want to avoid the "raisin" wordfilter, just say "sh!t" with the exclamation mark replacing the "i". It makes posts with the word "sh!t" in it that less awkward.


nigga you can type anything in and it'll let you through as long as you clicked the right 'jak




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Fucking raisin website. When it first got introduced that worked fine and I kept doing it but now it's broken because it just is I guess? kek.


Also stop using coonlang, just commit and say nigger.

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