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File: SlutBooru_194747.gif 📥︎ (2.91 MB, 600x700) ImgOps


>permabanning innocent shițposters
>denying ban appeals like a discord clițtycel


geg this site is worse than 4chan


I'll just post it again then


At least most 4chan bans are a few days, on sharty you're lucky if it's only a week.


They perm you for literally no reason here ban evading is basically encouraged


File: FF7F13BC-7271-4AA3-90E8-1….jpeg 📥︎ (454.76 KB, 934x1087) ImgOps

week bans are usually reserved for pedophilia, says alot about you lmao


File: Soytranny.png 📥︎ (329.18 KB, 658x706) ImgOps

>week bans are usually reserved for pedophilia, says alot about you lmao

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