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The Serious Boardβ„’ for feedback, suggestions, and jannywhining
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File: Screenshot_20240904-063233….png πŸ“₯︎ (469.38 KB, 2000x1200) ImgOps


FPE theme just got released, quickly admins add it to the list!


Upping this gem


There are now 2 versions of the FPE theme:
β€’ File 1 is a fixed version of the file in my OP
β€’ File 2 hss no background but has spinning Miss Circle


Since /fpe/ won the 113 board tournament, it would be very nice if this theme would be added to the theme list.
Use THIS file, download it and add it to the theme list ASAP.




kys sametranny


Nope hehehaha


Waiting until a developer arrives


The FPE is still being made btw, a developer should keep a watch on it, wait until it's been finalized:


Current version as of today, best one so far with new backgrounds for the catalog


Add this doe


i like it even doe im not really a fan of fpe


The theme list recently got updated
There's a new version that hosts images on Pomflain, so far from my testing it's much more reliable thannthe original, i suggest the developers implement it ASAP


FPE Snowflakes: (paste in User JS)

if (localStorage.stylesheet == "Yotsoyba B") {
document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `<div class="snowflakes">
<img class="snowflake" src="https://files.catbox.moe/9lfswq.webp" style="width:50px;">
<img class="snowflake" src="https://files.catbox.moe/g0dhjt.webp" style="width:50px;">
<img class="snowflake" src="https://files.catbox.moe/vq4yn4.webp" style="width:50px;">
<img class="snowflake" src="https://files.catbox.moe/ep7yyj.webp" style="width:50px;">
<img class="snowflake" src="https://files.catbox.moe/w2hp2m.webp" style="width:5000px;">
<img class="snowflake" src="https://files.catbox.moe/ewovtj.webp" style="width:5000px;">
<img class="snowflake" src="https://files.catbox.moe/5e5xyb.webp" style="width:5000px;">
<img class="snowflake" src="https://files.catbox.moe/5c41tf.webp" style="width:5000px;">
<img class="snowflake" src="https://files.catbox.moe/709999.webp" style="width:5000px;">
<img class="snowflake" src="https://files.catbox.moe/v5qz3j.webp" style="width:5000px;">


File: 3dgifmaker57907.gif πŸ“₯︎ (318.02 KB, 300x300) ImgOps

total fpecuck death doe


File version


Pls add


File: Screenshot_20240911-182926….png πŸ“₯︎ (444.01 KB, 2000x1200) ImgOps

Ruby theme just dropped


Go up these themes must be added
First 2 files are for the normal FPE theme
3rd file is the Ruby theme


This thread stays up until these two themes are added to the list.


no kys


yes lys




I come back to this thread every time I clear my cache

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