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/pol/ - International Politics

18+ | Politics, countrywars and general shitflinging
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1) Deport every single undocumented alien. Without 11 million people, the non-hispanic white population would be 61% of the country

2) Pass an emergency quota act. This will restrict immigrants from any country admitted per year to 2% of the population of that nationality present in the US in the 1960 census. However, europe would be exempt from this law. It will effectively overturn hart-cellar.

3) Pass a new naturalization law. Only aliens of european and african nativity are eligible for naturalization

All these ideas fall within constitutional boundaries and can be easily passed with a republican majority congress. Within a few decades, the white population can be upto 70% of the population in best case scenario


you dont seem to understand that republican are pro ethnic replacement just more slowly


unfortunately, this is true


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>caring about US racial demographics while being indian

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