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/news/ - Soy News

The only news (You) need to hear
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there’s multiple recent conflicts on the sharty, there’s also minor revolts against Froot and the jannies.

The /soy/-/pol/ war was the starting war, it was one of the first signs of a division within the sharty.

The 8000000 GET, many soyteens believe the jannies rigged it, this has cause a lot of distrust between the users and jannies.

And most importantly when the site went down for 2 days, many people no longer believe Froot actually cares about sharty. many people are worried the site might go down again too.


the soypocalypse is imminent


it only took 7 hours for a another thing
We are now at war with leftypol because they ddosed the site for multiple hours

there is also some people asking Froot to make a splinter called leftyjak.party


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holy nothingburger geg

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