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File: 3 times less depth.jpg 📥︎ (276.48 KB, 1080x373) ImgOps

File: StarfieldBethesda.jpg 📥︎ (800.52 KB, 1079x2506) ImgOps


Can't wait for the next skills system thats just two skills, combat and magic, and 50 perks that just give minor skill increases. They are just admitting that they dont give a raisin about the criticism, they wont change a thing and they are probably going to dumb it down even more


File: poopkart.mp4 📥︎ (2.64 MB, 1280x720) ImgOps

wasn't the whole bethesda dev team outsourced from india anyway geg


won't play it for the simple fact that it's gonna be sandnigger themed

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