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/mtv/ - Music, Television, Video games

What it says on the tin.
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File: the bbc.mp4 📥︎ (1.24 MB, 576x1024) ImgOps


>Malal / Malice
>Literally tries to bring its own extinction
>Is being erased from history, the humiliation makes me GOON
>Only nerdy soyboys and pretentious redditors know about him (and that says a lot when it comes to the wh40k community)


>His followers are 5'2 balding janitor chudcels who have given up on life and decided to ldar like the sub5's they are and accept their fate as genetic dead-ends.


>Slvt for all johnsonms including colored johnsons
>Gooniest of gooners




slaanesh obviously
if you picked nurgle any niggerdick that walked within a 30 ft radius of you would proceed to get 30 different terminal diseases and die

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