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File: download (55).png πŸ“₯︎ (715.73 KB, 1000x1000) ImgOps


ITT: post Chuds in video games


File: 0c0a9c736494cd022e44575252….jpg πŸ“₯︎ (43.29 KB, 714x734) ImgOps


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Bvlly is a vantawhitr gemerald btw.


File: Caesar2.png πŸ“₯︎ (525.84 KB, 619x568) ImgOps


>Caesar is a chud
kys NCR troon


how is he not a chud doe


cuz hes a leader or something


He LARPS as a trad roman emperor who enslaves wimminz and sheeit

heΒ΄s a troon punching bag from the sheer amount of memes xhey make of killing xim

Also, he was once an anthropologist for the followers of the apocalypse o algo


why the reddit spaces?


Caesar is still the best choice for the Mojave albeit. He would actually bring stability to the wasteland, and probably tone down the more extreme laws.


because iΒ΄m a ESL venezuelan raisinskin xir


braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap above


File: DANGER.png πŸ“₯︎ (144.52 KB, 282x257) ImgOps

he might be larper but he actually puts in effort and gets raisin done. That's more that can be said about any chud.
Also, kys NCR Troon


dimitri was keyed


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he look like me


File: rimworld-royalty-dlc-revie….jpg πŸ“₯︎ (438.96 KB, 1920x1080) ImgOps


>You WILL host my based trad 1488 hitler party in your starving outpost
>You WILL recive the title of honorary aryan


not a chud


>I'll rape you, unless your a faggot and you enjoy that kind of raisin, then I'll rape your mom and sister instead


You're a faggot nigger nigger tranny
Keyed and agreed o algo


Fallout NV Trannies think chud is an insult

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