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/int/ - International

Cry about countries you're not sure really exist.
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 87074Quote[Last 50 Posts][1][2]

Нам с тобою найдётся место
Где угодно, но не тут


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so ugly and depressing


that's the whole point


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Could be because I'm Albanian and used to shitty rundown architecture, but they look normal to me.


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thread theme


meds they're fine


mcdonalds is better or something


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very beautiful, thanks for sharing.


not beautiful
ugly and modern
we were meant to live naked on trees




thank you!


Why do you type like a tranny
>thank you!
That's troonish, say
>thanks you stupid nigger
instead, its more manly, troons? NOT IN MY BOARD!


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Macaco is so insecure about his manliness he feels the need to act rude to everybody to make himself feel better.


i like to think that beauty can be found anywhere, no matter the place or the time.


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dis albanian goy has a masters degree in yappology fr fr 💀💀💀😂😂😂🤡🤦🏼‍♂️


thats why you got oiled up


I do.


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gyatt pics


Blud lives in half life💀💀💀


the half life 2 beta was very dark and gritty


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Слово пацана смотрел , чушпан?


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argentinx IQ or something


El fuck off


i dont understand what you just said, but if you're asking me for the source, here are the websites:


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El fuck offinho


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You are el getting el deportedo


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el getting el deportedo


>el deportedo
do vatnikcacas really
holy SSL(spanish second language) and PSL(portuguese second language)


i didnt even talk about it because xe was komputerseming already


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It's from a Reddit meme.




>ay carumba


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do predditorcacas really? ESL and SSL btw


isnt it like ay caramba or something, or is it different for spanish speaking pipo


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vatcoconuts use pleddit memes…


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This was a pretty good art thread until the country war idiots took it over.


complete retard award


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matter of color correction


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самая ебанутая расфоршенная нищедвачерами недоэстетика на которую всем похуй




Did op get doxxed yet


Иди работать, пидорас, раз свое свободное время на постинг такого говнища тратишь


It's stock images


take care russian friend.


i <3 living in roach infested garbage smelling old-ass commieblocks slava stalin slava Z slava puTroon slava krokodil for johnson and 'P URRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAA


Turkish valid POC mtf transwoman above


marge we are not infesting slav(e) shitholes


Я РНН господин


i sell my russian citizenship to nigger in vanuatu for vanuatu citizenship


who the hell is vanuatu


nvm it's a country or something
who the hell lives in vanuatu



r/wholesome thread


dirtiest liar award


а зря


buoying this #wholesome thread.




ой бляять щас прочувствуется этот эстетичный вайб хрущевок путеновок говнонек оооох эта тоска ой блять russian doomer music playlist


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i cant read russian, but im gonna assume you said you liked these nature pictures.


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If aids was a country


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>[molchat doma/kino song] BUT YOU'RE A [branch of the russian army] SOLDIER FIGHTING IN [post-soviet conflict]
>*insert depressed wojak with wrinkled face overlayed on top of destroyed buildings*


that's good.

meds we live there everyday.


this is real.


i cant upload pictures for some reason, weird


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Bruh, is your name viktor reznov?


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I took this kino picture some time ago




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oops i did it again… i bumped your thread


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Images of these old commie blocks make me very emotional because they remind me of my childhood before I was forced to move to Welthauptstadt Germania


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are you pole


houses are always better that aparaments


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Depends, American suburb houses look horrible.


Appartments bad even doe you can hear voices behind walls and feel less lonely.


argentinian villas don't look better doe, the andean settlements on the slopes of the hills of the peruvian coast are even worse, literally these people build their houses here to avoid paying the rents and service pensions that the houses have on other more suitable lands or in the city (and areas urban) and it is because they are too poor and have enough income and the level of economic situation to pay for them, they build their homes and dwellings on any surface of these areas even if they are inadequate, maybe the people are not so bad but the problem is that criminals begin to arrive in these places and settle there, many are born in these areas and venezuelan criminals have already gained ground and dominion in these places.



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Как жe хочeтcя обнять бeрёзку…


it alright not horrible but alright
being lonely is le bad o algo


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