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Cry about countries you're not sure really exist.
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The first two are victims of communism/socialism or something, the second lives in an extremely poor and screwed country (poorer than some countries in sub-saharan africa, in fact it is a failed state and all few slow ones in which it worked), as to the third… Well they deserve it


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chicanos won


Xhey live in the US therefore they live pretty much better than the four ones on the image o algo


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Why is the "Argentinian" a Pollack?



you will never be latinx or indigenous either, you will always be a mindeless and identityless 80 iq mutt cattle for the anglojews for the rest of your life.


this is coming from the shitlean kek. chileans are mongrels.


Nobody itt is white


It's marge…
Anyway he's a mestizo who larps as a native, what do you expect from him?
Azzfartshitcado is just mad on chilean CHADstizo patagonic-camanchango-mapvche-basque etarra-castillian-andalusian-galician-flaiteGODS o algo
Marge again
Excepting the pole or something


made me geg award



me too


>>>105107 (You)
>this is coming from the shitlean kek. chileans are mongrels.

The majority is castizo you stupid ´murican nigger, you probably can't speak spanish or an indigenous language lmao, pure larping. (shoutout to the peruvian costeñoGOD btw)


Argentina 2026 world cup winner.
(jk, we all know mbappe is gonna carry france into another win)


Who's better? mbappe or zinedine?


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Thanks chileanCHAD from norte chico, south, the austral region/zone, central chile excepting the santiago metropolitan region or any other place but surely you BYCKBROKE, MINDBRVKE and MOG santiagoniggercacas and their vantablack ugly or mediocre-extremely meh-tier whorest oldhag coalburners who date haitoid (dominican owned and property btw) nogs just out morbity and tbpbestiality fetishism o algo así.
Well btw castizo is tecnically (and genetically, indigenous american and european admixture) the same thing as mestizo, But what you say is true, the majority of the population of chile are mestizos, and specifically the majority of chilean mestizos are light-skinned mestizos, the brown-skinned or non-light-skinned mestizos are a smaller and pinor part, and they are not the majority and are a minority within the total population of mestizo chileans.


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We Pardos need to join forces with Chicanos and the CJNG to invade the American South-West and rape Blonde Blue eyed Anglo-Scandinavian Mormon women and force them to bear our mongrel children that will eventually lead the second Spanish empire and eventually join forces with based muslims to exterminate all protestant white eurocucks (Europeanism is the enemy of Hispanidad, as Gustavo Bueno said in his book España frente a Europa.)


>We Pardos need to join forces with Chicanos and the CJNG to invade the American South-West and rape Blonde Blue eyed Anglo-Scandinavian Mormon women and force them to bear our mongrel children that will eventually lead the second Spanish empire and eventually join forces with based muslims to exterminate all protestant white eurocucks (Europeanism is the enemy of Hispanidad, as Gustavo Bueno said in his book España frente a Europa.)



Did you even open the link?


it wasn't visible because I was phoneposting, sorry


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